The conspiracy of the "no battles to fight in"...Stay with me here.

Day 881, 14:26 Published in Canada Canada by Pants Magee

Greetings Subscribers, Readers, and People who came here by accident curious of the pantsless guy in the image. It's ok to be curious, you're always welcome to read Pants Rants.

As you know this paper is the randomness that goes on in my head regarding game topics/issues while i muddle away the day at work, or other places.

Today's Pants Rant comes from the game itself.

Over the weekend I log in to do my workin' my trainin' and my fightin' like a good Canadian boy and I came across something I think a lot of you all did to. There was no battle to fight in, but WAY back on the log in page there was clearly a RW in Delaware going on, Props to 1ronman for that. Now some on you may just think this is eRep being good ol' buggy eRep. But you need to look beyond the obvious. And of course that's and Pants looks.

Now back in my first article I had a section about the lack of wars and a certain persons article about Canadians being lazy and not searching out wars.

Are you beginning to see where this is going readers? If not, please scroll to the bottom to read the French version.

So, being the 'super' journalist that I am I did a little digging into the bottom of my Doritos bag while trying to think of the reason why Tamas is working with the admins to make it look like Canadians can't fight anywhere. I had the who's, or at least some of the whos, I had the whats, whens, and wheres but what about the whys? Indeed what about the Whys.

I decided to look into current geopolitical trends and immigration/emigration fluctuations, and the economy to try to find out the whys. After about 3 seconds of hard in-depth research the dots connected and the end goal came in sight! Here it is in step by step format:

1. Canadians aren't being shown that they have fights
2. Articles written about saying Canadians should move to fight
3. Canadian population moves to fight
4. Canadian population stays in the lands there are fighting over elections, helps elect original countries parties back into office.
5. Sleeper Phoenix agents awake their 'dead' accounts in Canada and vote in a new PM to destroy our home!
6. World collapses!


Admin plot in cahoots with Phoenix who want Canada for future resources by using one of Canada's warriors, Tamas (with or without his knowledge I'm not sure anymore) and his ideology of moving to fight against the country by having it become the target of a PTO.

And there it is, the reason why we weren't being shown we had battles to fight in.

Tamas searching for clues...err...war!

P. Magee