The Conspiracy Death Toll.

Day 283, 13:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Chrissetti

"Goons. It's the Goons!" They cry from the nearest and tallest rafters when the recent wars are mentioned. "They're taking over! They need to be stopped!"

And for the most part this scapegoat is accepted as common fact. After all, why shouldn't it? Goons have admitted their involvement and the somethingawfulers are clearly not here to give every echild a chocolate bar for Diomas Day.

The goons are a lie. With growing numbers of zetetic thinkers (or Flat-Earthers) coming to the fore, the governments of the eWorld have been forced to intervene and what better way to distract the war-hungry masses from the truth than by giving them a nebulous, amorphous enemy to aim their hatred at?

that's right, the goons were created and maintained by the world's governments simply to hide and distort the truth.

Don't be a drone. (unless you're a member of We are the Borg, in which case I won't hamper your political freedom) Support your local zeteticists and tell your politicians that the people will not tolerate being lied to in this way!