The Congressional Analysis: The Beginning Days

Day 981, 13:27 Published in USA United Kingdom by HobbitTon

It's only been three days since I was elected into the 32nd Congress. Yet, in that short period of time, numerous things have occurred. Indeed, all of this can be very overwhelming for your first term newbie Congressmen, and it is. Remember when that kid fainted in the Scripps National Spelling Bee, yeah that's what it feels like. It's no easy task being a Congressman. Fortunately, for this Congress, there was a good mix of seasoned veterans and promising newbies elected. As a result, people are glad to help you out.

Anyways, as I promised in my Congressional Platform, I am going to start posting these Congressional reports every so often. This is because of my value of transparency. Not only does it give you, the citizens of the eUSA, knowledge about what is going on in Congress, it gives me the time to reflect on my time in Congress as well. In addition, it helps improves my writing at the same time.

32nd Congressional Quorum

After everyone was elected and settled, many of the Congressmen trotted on their way to the eUS Forums to sign in. This was done to establish the quorum for this term's Congress. Quorum is defined as half of the active participants of a legislative body. In addition, quorum is used to identify the minimum number of members needed to conduct business. Over forty members of Congress signed in, so the quorum was set at 21.

Senators, get back to your seats! The ice cream man is not here yet!

Voting on the New Speaker of the House

To my luck, I joined during the month where a new Speaker of the House was going to be elected, which happens every two months. Before the vote was actually conducted, nominations occurred first. The obvious front runners during the nomination stage were PrincessMediPi, a fossil citizen who had a hiatus from the game, Necros Xiaoban, an active member of Congress on his fourth term, and Dr. Tango, an avid econmist. Serendipitous got a few nominations, but he didn't make it into the voting stage. I nominated Necros Xiaoban.

With the nominations stage out of the way, voting is where it got tough. To win the Speaker of the House election, one must have votes equivalent to the quorum before the voting ends in 24 hours. At first, I voted for who I nominated, Necros Xiaoban. And then I really thought about it. Who would be the better Speaker of the House? I literally switched between PrincessMediPi and Necros Xiaoban several times, but at the end of my day, I had to go against Necros Xiaoban and vote for PrincessMediPi.

At the time of writing, the votes were tallied at 20 to 17 to 1 for Necros Xiaoban, PrincessMediPi, and Dr. Tango respectively.

It was a hard decision to make, but I voted for PrincessMediPi for several reasons. First of all, she has been around since the primitive beta days of eRepublik. She had gone through a transition through new versions of this game. Sure, she did leave for a couple of months, but she still has the qualifications and experience to be a great Speaker of the House. I am not saying Necros Xiaoban didn't had good credentials, I just believe that PrincessMediPi had a better resume. Also, in the early days of Congress, PrincessMediPi practically founded the position of Speaker of the House with a few other members of Congress. Either way, both of those candidates would make a great Speaker of the House.

Hillary, doing what she does best. Oh you sneaky ninja.

New Budget

Congress has been working diligently to bring up a new and improved weekly budget to the people of the eUSA. To be honest with you, we have made cuts everywhere. In the military, we cut about 25% to 30% depended on the branch, but we also made cuts in the other departments as well. If you want to see the full budget, I would suggest you to take a look at George S. Patton Jr's article right here.

This budget was designed, so we can only afford four Mutual Protection Pacts a week. This means that we can establish a fair amount of MPPs in a month. Honestly, this reduces the harmful wastes of spending. Note that this budget is still in the proposal stage, so it will need ten votes before it can sent to the voting block. It most likely will. I supported it, and I hope that you are satisfied with the work Congress put into it.

Recent Mutual Protection Pacts

Speaking of Mutual Protection Pacts, several have been on the voting block from the last couple of days. Most recently, the president of Ireland proposed a MPP with the United States. To begin with, I apologize for not holding my vote and voting out of the gun for the Ireland MPP proposal. Anyways, I voted no. Ireland has already gotten involved in three battles, all involving the United Kingdom. As such, there is no surprise that Ireland is screwed. Yes, screwed.

In addition, they just recently impeached their president, irishbhoy1967. The country is in a lot of turmoil and confusion right now. As much as I would like to help, a MPP with Ireland wouldn't benefit the United States too much. We need a strong, situated ally that can help us in desperate times of need but MPPs cost gold, which we direly need. I would wait until Ireland fixed their own internal problems before we accept their MPP request. I mean, you don't see Team Jacob or Team Edward teaming up soon. Rawr.

Look at Obama go!

My Recent Votes

MPP: Israel – 7/26/10
Vote: Yes
Reason: Standard ally

MPP: China – 7/27/10
Vote: Yes
Reason: Standard ally

MPP: Poland (USA) – 7/27/10
Vote: Yes
Reason: Standard ally

MPP: Ireland – 7/28/10
Vote: No
Reason: They need to fix their own problems before it would be a win-win for both of us.

In Conclusion

As you can see, we have been working our bums off in Congress. The discussions we are having are great and pushing us toward a common goal: helping you. In the beginning days, it is just wonderful to see all this come together. In addition, I learned a few things. Stick up for what you believe in, and you'll go far. In addition, don't talk if you don't know anything. I just hope you guys are just as happy as we are 😃. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Question of the Day

What is the weirdest thing you ever saw when at the mall?


Don't be lazy. Read it.