The Congressional Analysis: Back in Action!

Day 1,021, 08:21 Published in USA United Kingdom by HobbitTon

It has been a very long time since I have written an edition of The Congressional Analysis, which is an interpretation of how Congress is doing through the blue eyes of a hobbit. I have been so caught up with real life ventures and other eRepublik responsibilities that I have totally neglected my responsibility to you, the citizens of the United States. In my platform, I promised to write to you about Congress on a weekly basis, but that has not happened, and for that, I hope you accept my dearest apologizes.

Thank You Friends

I know that this might be late, but better late than never, except with taxes I believe. I have been elected once again to a seat in Congress in my home state, New Hampshire! That makes my Congressional runs 2-2. I cannot stress how much you guys helped me. Without the help from you, I would have not been able to make it into officer. Furthermore, you are the people that keep me going even after Golum bites off my middle finger. Thank you.

The New Speaker of the House

From my last term as Congressmen, you might remember the impeachment attempt against Necros Xiaoban for Speaker of the House. During his last term, many Congressmen (including myself) felt that he wasn't preforming in high enough standards for a position like that. Unfortunately, his impeachment failed, and he lived another day as Speaker of the House.

During my first week during this term, there was no surprise to me that Congress decided to pull up another impeachment threat against Necros Xiaoban. Now this time, I voted no during the voting process only because I was sick of this constant tug and pull between the Speaker of the House and Congress itself. The two were supposed to work together, and last term, that didn't happen at all. Thankfully, the man was impeached this time.

Before I continue, let us get this straight. Necros Xiaoban is not a bad citizen. He is a funny guy and a very helpful person at that. It's just that for a Speaker of the House, we all expected more from him. The bare minimum of Speaker of the House is being a moderator for Congress. He did that, sometimes. Even with the job of moderating, some threads on the eUS forums, where we have our discussions get very out of hand before being moderated.

I was expecting more out of NX. He didn't go over and beyond, and that was probably the downfall of him. During the time the eUS forums went down, he didn't establish another alternative forum, which would be the obvious thing to do. One was eventually made, but it was made by another Congressman. I just felt he didn't take the initative, that's all.

Congratulations ligtreb on becoming the successor of Necros Xiaoban in the Speaker of the House position! He was in a race with another great candidate, Dr. Tango. In my opinion, ligtreb has been doing a great job so far. He has been up to date with proposals and has been keeping Congress on track. I am very excited for this term in Congress as it seems it will be a great one. By the way liggy, if you are reading this, it took you long enough.

Comptroller General

This term, we have gotten more serious with the Comptroller General position. No, this person is not a General at trolling on the computer. That position is already taken up by Pizza the Hut. The position of Comptroller General is far more important. t is the CG's duty to investigate, question, and further ensure that federally apportioned funds are being spent in a proper manner. So simply, he would be auditing the entire government. The CG would overview the entire government spending.

I have been all for this idea in the beginning actually. It will keep us more organized, and it would make it easier for us to spot mistakes that we are making because the CG is an expert in this field. Unlike the Director of the CBO, this position is more of an investigatory one, so it makes sure we aren't spending what we shouldn't be.

Congratulations GoalieBCSC on becoming the first Comptroller General! I am sure he will do a fantastic job as CG! Slightly after his place in the position, liggy opened up two new proposals on the matter. The first one was to make the CG position uninterrupted, which basically means he will be a CG until impeached or retired. Furthermore, the second proposal was to add a second CG.

I was happy with both these proposals. First, if we were to make the CG an uninterrupted position, it would give less stress on the CG to finish something and rush before the end of the term. As a result, less mistakes will be made. For the second proposal, I felt it was needed only because of how much you need to put in as CG. If one person was in that spot, there would be a great chance for burnout, which is not good. Adding a second person lessens this threat.

Public Voting Record

To save time, I am going to give you a link to all my votes that I have written down on Google Docs. I have no idea why I have not thought of this before. If you wish to see it, please click here!

In Conclusion

That's about it for this week. Sorry if this hasn't been one of my better analysis, I have been a little rusty. I will improve. Also, congratulations Krems for being re-elected POTUS! You make me p/h!