The Congressional Analysis: A Slow Week

Day 1,000, 17:23 Published in USA United Kingdom by HobbitTon

Thank you Samuel Roth for this amazing signature!/i]

My Congressional term has crossed over its half way milestone. As I stand here today, writing the newest edition of The Congressional Analysis, I am am reflecting on the great memories I have had with all of the Senators. They have taught me so much. Now I can look forward for another great Congressional Election because I am running again. I don't know where I am running yet, but I will promise you today, my newest platform will be better than the first.

Bugs in the World, Bugs in Home

Let's step back in time and remember the 31st Mandate. They were a tenacious bunch of people, filled with great ideas. Unfortunately, that was overshadowed by the fact that they were indeed the first mandate elected into Congress after the unprecedented release of eRepublik Rising. Because of this, they were debating the new in-game mechanics, thus, not much work was done.

Unfortunately, that is what I feel happened to the 32nd Mandate as well. At the beginning of my term, we had numerous ideas that we wished to bring to the round table. We were discussing things left and right, and I loved every minute of it. The adrenaline rush I felt when people were taking into consideration of what I had to say was unbelievable.

Just around a week ago, tragedy struck. The eUS external forums were hit with the deadly Internal Service Error. The problem was, most of the proceedings in Congress were done on that forum. My first impression was that it would be fixed by the next day, but alas, it was not. KillingTime had promised to get working on the problem, and I am supporting him all the way. It is no easy work to fix issues like this.

So yeah, the bummer was that Congress didn't get to express as many things as we may have wanted to for this month. But that's just the way to low fat lactose intolerant cookie crumbles, isn't it? It was just bad luck. Hopefully, if I get elected into the next 33rd Mandate, we wouldn't be plagued by these irritating bugs.

The Party Elections

Yes, I know, the Party Elections do not have any thing to do with Congress that much, but it is significant enough to deserve a place in this paper. These Party Elections were one of the most interesting ones. Before the 15th of August, it became evident that there was a large Political Take-Over attempt by the hungry Hungarians on every Top 5 party.

Because of this, it was clear that each Top 5 Party needed to have one official Party President candidate to fight of the Hungarians. And to be honest, these attacks couldn't have come at a better time. Many of the citizens of the United States actually still have the Croatian citizenship ever since we decided to help them out of their epic ATO. Because of this, they couldn't vote for someone right away. Congress was on a frenzy to accept citizenship requests.

At the end of the day, every Top 5 party was save, and their Hungarian attacks were eliminated. The story of the day didn't come from the Top 5 parties though, but it came from the sixth party: The Republican Party. The Republican Party had their own PTO attempt, but not my the hungry hippos, I mean Hungarians, but none other than the infamous Pizza the Hut.

Unfortunately, we didn't have enough voters to send towards The Republican Party, so Pizza the Hut became the new Party President of the Republican Party. Pizza the Hut won the elections because he knowingly accepted Hungarian requests for US citizenship so they could vote for them. PTH also broke The Republican Party

If you are reading this Pizza the Hut, and I hope you are, you are one of the biggest enemies to the United States. You do not have the best interests of the United States in mind, and you never will. We have given you enough time for redemption. You are not proud to be an American. You manipulate people, and you push them around. I hope you understand. Someone should bring Ojay Simpson here, at least he can admit to him mistakes. Actually, no he didn't. Oh look Ajay, you have a brother, Ojay.

The Speaker's Word

I just published the newest edition of The Speaker's Word. Tell me what you think. Your feedback is greatly appreciated it. It can be found here.

Voting Records

Donation: 50976 USD to CBO – 8/4/10

Donation: 766 KPW to CBO – 8/5/10

Embargo: United Kingdon – 8/6/10

MPP: Greece – 8/6/10

Donation: 810 CAD to CBO – 8/6/10

New Citizen Message - 8/7/10

Donation: 1005 PLN to CBO – 8/7/10

New Citizen Message: 8/8/10

Embargo: Russia – 8/9/10
Reason: Phoenix ally.

New Citizen Message- 8/9/10

Donation: 735.6 RON to CBO – 8/9/10

MPP: Japan – 9/10/10

New Citizen Message – 8/10/10

Embargo: Indonesia – 8/10/10
Reason: They make good food, but still, they don't have the best interest of the US in mind.

Donation: 700 FRF to CBO – 8/10/10

MPP: Sweden (USA) – 8/10/10

MPP: Croatia – 8/10/10

New Citizen Message – 8/11/10

Donation: 235 GOLD to CBO – 8/11/10

Donation: 751 PLN to CBO – 8/13/10

Buy Constructions: Hospital – 8/13/10

Embargo: Hungary – 8/13/10
Reason: Phoenix ally

New Citizen Message – 8/13/10

MPP: Finland – 8/14/10

Donation: 736 CNY to CBO – 8/16/10

New Citizen Message – 8/16/10

Embargo: Indonesia – 8/16/10
Reason: Phoenix ally

In Conclusion

I am so sorry that The Congressional Analysis has been so short. Honestly, in this edition, nothing has been written analyzing Congress. This is because it has been a slow week. Hopefully, things happen so that things start picking up before the 33rd Mandate. And remember, I am running, so if you could vote for me, I would greatly appreciated.

Question of the Day

If today was your last day on Earth, what would you do?