The Colombians Are Coming!

Day 657, 01:19 Published in USA USA by Nero Preto
USA, 01:20 (Sep07) | Day 657 of the New World


Half of USA is back in our hands, 98% of Spain has been liberated, Canada is on its way to a full recovery and Greece has had a fruitful war against Turkey. Indonesia is virtually out of North America, Portugal is no longer a factor in the war. This leave Russia as the biggest threat in North America. PEACE seems to be running out of options and needless to say conquered land in our part of the world. But PEACE has one last card up their sleeve, Colombia recently declared war on Mexico with the intention of mowing down Mexican land and engaging us on our southern border with Mexico.

It's safe to say that if this does work it'll take about a week or more for them to be within striking distance, giving us a short time to push Russia as far back as possible in order to focus on defending our southern lands. The government has already taken the first step to prepare for Colombian and perhaps Brazilian attacks, recently instaling a Q1 defense system in Texas. Its not a secret PEACE is desperate and willing to try anything to turn back the ever increasing looses its suffering. What remains to be seen is what Mexico's response to these events will be.

Perhaps they will cut a deal with PEACE allowing them a path to our border with the promise of their land being returned after we are defeated. Or perhaps they will join us and defend their land against PEACE aggression. No word yet on what they intend to do. It's widely know that Mexico and America aren't the best of friends, past American invasions have strained relations. But Mexico has been neutral throughout this war so they could go either way. If they go to PEACE's way, things will greatly complicate for us, having to fight a 2 front war and straining ourselves to maintain the initiative on both fronts.

Recently PEACE has had to deal with a major setback, Indonesia's President was permanently banned which gave us an advantage. Another and perhaps even greater set back was Russia's attempt to cut their border with Canada which turned out to be a total failure, it's only outcome was giving us more of our land back. Canada continues to be able to block Russia and has maintained a blocking move on Hungary. This has led Hungary to move many of their soldiers to Indonesia in order to have some influence in battles. This is evident in our battles with Indonesia, many Hungarian fighters making an appearance in both Cali battles and Hawaii.

South Korea
For those who may have overlooked international news, South Korea is back! After an what seemed like an eternity under PEACE control they have made their return. Japan promptly declared war on SK, it seems Russia is too busy to deal with a Korean rebirth. I want to take the time to thank our allies Canada, Spain, Romania and the rest of the Eden/Fortis countries for their continuing assistance and support in this war. Without them I doubt we would even be a country right now. Much thanks.

A united and vigilant population has been the reason for our recent victories, although our tanks have helped win battles its the general population that has been behind our comeback, congrats to all Americans out there and may we continue to fight as one, striking fear in our enemies heart every time we set our boots on the battle field!
by Ingo Castilho

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Best regards,
Nero Preto ~ publishing editor
Ingo Castilho ~ official writer & reporter