The Collapse Of What Once Was The PSP

Day 755, 14:41 Published in Austria United Kingdom by Arthur Reynolds

Hello Austrians. Today I returned for spell in inactivity to find that, the once secure, SP (formerly the PSP) has collapsed- it only has one congress member. This is not the parties only problem it now only has 12 members. Furthermore the silent OmuNegru9 is now party leader. To put these figures into prospective when I was PP eh had 23 members, six seats in congress and a reasonably active PP.

This is a familiar scenario fir the party: things improve; they go well for a while; a new PP comes in and everything goes wrong- absolutely everything; then things pick up again and so on. This is the full story in short: lolpacker creates the party things go well; he gets banned for ever; so things slip; PM, Keogh takes over things improve for two terms; he goes inactive; therefore almost a whole term is spent without a proper PP; Langer86 beats me to the Party Presidency; things go ok for a few days; then we went inactive so things dropped, again. Next I got the leadership ship the party ran well for two terms, congress seats and membership improved.
After that Stancel took over, and did quite well, apart from leaving during his term as PP and loosing a few seats in congress. Now Omu is in charge of the Austrian Green Party, under him things have got as bad as they have over got.It has well and truly collapsed.

What will happen next? History tells us that improvements will be made, just to be undone. Hopefully things will change.