The CNC Endorses Jacobi For President

Day 777, 00:17 Published in Canada New Zealand by SledDog

I am the General Secretary and Assistant Member of Member Recruitment for the Canadian National Coalition. In our forums we polled those party members who participate on the forums and in a close vote - although not nearly as close as last month when we had a tie - the CNC chose to support Jacobi for Country President. Unfortunately because of real life issues including computer problems, our Party President Treian was unable to make our party's endorsement of Jacobi official. The fact remains that the party has opted to endorse Jacobi.

Now it is a fact that no one can force or require anyone to vote in a particular way. We can only recommend that voters support the candidate that we endorse. The important thing to remember is to exercise your franchise. As an advertisement from my youth used to say, "Vote as you will but vote." The majority (and it was a majority) of us who voted in the CNC forums believe in Jacobi as the best choice to be President, but in the end it is up to the voters to make the final choice.

One final thing. If you are a member of the CNC and are not a participant in the CNC Forums I urge you to sign up and participate. If you disagree with our decision to endorse Jacobi, or equally if you agree with our choice, becoming a participant in the CNC Forums is the only way that you can make your voice heard in party deliberations. Participation in the forums bring other benefits as well. If you have any interest in running for Congress, preference for selection as a candidate is given to those party members who make their intentions known in the forums. The forums are where we discuss policy and organize our operations. And besides, the people who hang around there are a pretty good bunch. Well... at least they don't bite, which is more than I can say for some members of my family.

The CNC Forums can be found here: