The Civil Revolution

Day 891, 21:16 Published in USA USA by CivilAnarchy

Countrymen and Comrades, once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more!
Our population lay in boredom and laziness.
Our babies die merely days after their birth.
Our growth rate grows more dismal with each failed attempt.
Our diplomacy has be shrouded by ignorance and secrecy
Our country is in need....of a Revolution.

Such Absurdity Ends Here!

Mood Music -

Once more....
I, CivilAnarchy, of the Socialist Freedom Party, hereby declare my intent to run for the Office of President of the eUnited States of America, doing so, with full intention and dedication to the betterment of our country, no matter what personal cost may be placed upon me.

Now, for my qualifications:
- Former Party President of the Socialist Freedom Party (2)
- Former Congressmen of New Jersey (3)
- April 2010 Presidential Candidate (15😵
- Former Chair of the Government Oversight Committee
- Sponsor of the Small Party Union
- SFP Elections Coordinator
- Former Member of the International/External Congressional Committee
- Former Member of Immigration Enforcement Subcommittee
- Former Editor of the Congressional Paper
- Former Director of Intelligence of the Socialist Freedom Party
- Director of Interparty Relations of the Socialist Freedom Party
- Former Congressmen to the Internationale
- Former Commander of the Bear Cavalry (Para-Military Organization)
- eUs Mentor
- TC Graduate

The Executive Cabinet is full of people who have had positions in eUs politics for months on end. People who might not do their job in the best manner, but will always have the experience to justify their position. I will not be following this policy. My entire cabinet will be comprised of medium level, hard working Americans, who have not been given the chance to display themselves on the higher political stage. There will be a minimal amount of established players, mostly serving advisory positions.
We need new ideas.
We need new energy.
We need new leaders in this country.

And this is the way to do it.

If elected, these will be my goals for the term in office, in the categories of Economics, Diplomacy/Military, and Social Programs.


Taxes: Taxes have always been the duty of Congress to determine. However, seeing as the President has a hand in some way or another in most governmental actions, I must place a stance on taxes. Taxes have always been a point of contention for Congress. Most people are not extremely versed in how economics truly work in game, so they stay out of the debates. Then there are the people who do understand Economics, and even they cannot agree on whats best for the country. The debate over taxes takes many forms, be it income or import taxes, plans by great economic minds, or simple speculation on the coming of V2. My stance on taxes has always been the same, and illustrates the fundamental law of what taxes must be. Taxes need to be balanced between the needs of the Government, and the well being of the citizen. This balance cannot be broken, and only in the case that it is, will I take immediate action regarding them. However, as President, I will keep up with all debates regarding taxes, augmenting my own knowledge for them.

Government Companies/0 Skill Hubs: 0 skill hubs are a necessary program for every country in the eWorld, in order to ensure that new players can get started working. If elected, I would support programs educating the people working at these companies, and support expanding these companies into full education centers, rather than them just being job facilities, and use them to increase the overall education of new players, and hopefully result in making more new players stay.

Market Stability Acts: There have been times in the history of the eUS where we have been attacked. Nearly every Congressmen has an obligation to ensure the stability and safety of their country in any way that they are able to from their position. Not too long ago, there was an attempt on the economic stability of the eUS. If re-elected, I will work towards the creation of programs to predict, and more accurately prevent these types of attacks. To add onto our current protection and create total market security. The people in charge of this branch could range from simple market researchers, to diplomatic Congressmen predicting the next hit.


My eMilitary history is fairly short compared to some of the other power players of this country. I'm a graduate of the TC, as well as an applicant for the eUs Army. As far as conventional military goes, that's about it. However, I spent time commanding the SFP Paramilitary organization, named the Bear Cavalry. This provided valuable combat experience, as well as minor military strategy, and basic fundamentals of mobile fighting. As for military current events, you cannot find one I do not know about. As President, I will leave the majority of military planning up to the JCS, while providing any support that I can, and putting forth certain goals, with the advice of our military, of course.

Training Corps: The TC is the greatest combination of a Military training and preparation force, and a powerhouse Activity and Retention body that the eUs has to offer. The TC has the potential to severely augment the Retention rate of the eUs, by creating a niche for Military minded Americans that may not have had a place of comfort in the game beforehand. And it is for this reason that the TC should not only receive any and all support that I can offer, but, as president, I will work towards coordinating with the military, and expanding the TC, along with the Social Programs to increase Recruitment.

Smart Fighting: During my time as president, all conflicts will be thoroughly thought through before we take part in them. Any and all conflicts that the eUs would take part in will be planned out to avoid any mishaps during the campaigns.

Diplomacy:The Age of Savoir-Faire
The recent departure of the eUs from Eden, in combination with strained relations with certain Eden powers, have completely changed the role that the eUs plays on the World Stage. Neutrality is not an option for our country. No country can be important, and neutral. It simply does not happen. Rather, our current situation has left us at a situation that can be best described as Eden-Aligned. This means that we cooperate with most Eden powers, without being an official member of Eden. Our current situation is the best possible scenario for our country, as the world stands right now. Here are the benefits...
1. We can actively expand the Brolliance without having to worry about Superpower retaliation.
2. We can fight alongside friendly countries, without having to deal with the fallbacks of Eden as an alliance.
3. We do not have to worry about fighting against two super alliance at one time.

Negotiation with Phoenix will Obliterate our current Diplomatic position.
Phoenix has never shown friendship towards the eUs
Phoenix has invaded our country.
Phoenix is only attempting any negotiation at all to use our country against Eden, and once we're without any use, they'll simply throw us away.

We cannot turn our backs on the countries of Eden that are still our friends. Sure, we've gone through some hard times now, but the good times outweigh those. Some simple diplomacy can fix these situations easily. When we left Eden, our problem was the orders of our country, and the structure of the alliance as a whole. We encounter neither of those problems as an Eden-Aligned Country.
As President, I will not negotiate with these hostile forces, instead, I will follow these three ideals.

1. The Expansion of the Brolliance.
2. The Continuation of Eden Alignment Foreign Policy.
3. The Waging of War against Various Phoenix Powers that have taken Hostile Action towards us, and our allies.

And finally, the Pièce de résistance...

Social Programs - The Key to Recruitment, Activity, and Retention.

Party Education: The best people to train new players are those that stand to gain from it. If a party can educate a new player, then that player has an increased chance of staying with that party. In this situation, you are not only strengthening the parties of the eUs, but educating new players at the same time. In order to begin this, representatives should be sent to parties without adequate educational programs to assist that party in strengthening their program. These representatives can either be from Congress, or be volunteer party members who have experience with their own educational programs.

Company Owner Involvement: How many people reading this were helped, or befriended, by the owner of the company of their first good job? Its quite common, and its beneficial to both parties. The company owner has a more loyal and friendly worker, and the worker now has a person they can direct their questions to, along with some economic support as well. Congress could devise a program to encourage these owners of companies to take more incentive, either by educating them of the benefits, or more direct incentive.

Erepublik Holidays: Admittedly, this is one of the more...out there policies I thought of. This is the use of Congress approved holidays to get the populous of the eUs doing something. These holidays can be weekly, monthly, ect, depending upon congress decision.

Construction Day - A day where each eUs citizen is asked to donate 1$ to a specific organization. This money is then used to buy either hospitals or defense systems for lower priority states and territories.

Income Tax Removal Day - The eUnited States is notorious for having some of the highest income taxes in the eWorld, so how about one day where we fix that? The procedure would go as followe😛 Congress approves a certain day to be "Income Tax Removal Day" or "Income Tax Return Day". Lets say Day 700. On day 698, at approximately 11:55-11:58, one congressmen will propose to change the income tax to 1%. On 11:55, day 699, the tax will drop to 1%. Immediately after this, congress will propose to return the income tax to normal levels, allowing for a 24 hour period where there are no income taxes in the nation. This will give the citizens of the eUs a little break, while ensuring the loss of the eUs government is minimal. This day would be used only if sufficient proposals were available, and in liu of the Lulz Proposals at the end of each congressional term.

Real Life Day: A day where people are encouraged to write articles about real life events, aspects, ect. This is to promote activity in the eUs media, along with allowing people to get to know themselves a bit better.

Troll d.....ahem. International Media Humiliation Day: An enemy country will be picked, and citizens of the eUnited States will be encouraged to...visit the medias of these countries, or publish articles of their own in the medias of other countries. Citizens will be encouraged gear their comments towards more humorous or negative commentary.

The Great eAmerican Baby Boom!
June 15-23, the average day that most RL United States teens get out of school for Summer. This week, and the subsequent three months, has the most potential for a baby boom out of any time during the year. It is the time where the majority of people RL, aged 13-24, gain an extra 8 hours in the day, and many don't know what to do with it.
We need to use this. We need to get this games exposure out massively before this time period, and the result of it will be....extraordinary
We need to prepare for months to get ready for this. There are tens of millions of teens in this country, a resource just waiting to be gained.

Government Endorsed Companies: This is an idea I've been thinking about for awhile. The creation of a list of government favored companies, that would receive a small subsidization in salaries. The list of companies would consist of companies in the eUs that are chosen by the citizens of the eUs, depending upon how helpful these companies were to their growth as a citizen. This will encourage company owners to befriend and help their workers, increasing the activity of our populace. As for the subsidization, it would merely be a few cents per citizen working there, ultimately costing the eUs government next to nothing. The difference in pay for skill 1, 2 or 3 jobs are usually around 5 to 10 cents. Meaning if we subsidized 10 workers per company, we'd be helping 10 workers for 1$, ultimately costing 30$ per month. If we were to sponsor 10 companies, which would be the ideal number, it would cost us 300$ per month. That's helping 100 citizens, and furthering the expansion of citizen friendly companies, for less than 10 gold a month.

Transparency: During my time in Congress, I have always pushed for the Transparency of the eUs Government. As Editor of the Congressional Paper, I included various facts about the actions taken by Congressional Committees, and the how Congress worked in the game. As President, I will overhaul my efforts to encourage transparency on all fronts of government, from the Military, to Congress, to my own administration. Transparency is vital for the Activity of our country. When you show the citizens of the eUs that Congress actually does something, or that a Cabinet position actually has something to do, rather than it simply being a title, you encourage their participation in the Political system of the eUs. It is only through this method that we can create a strong political body of the eUs, encouraging everyone to become involved. The days of people being elected off next to no platform, and no effort shall be gone in an active political community. With the competition between politicians, our politicians will become more active, and dedicated to the country. No longer shall the country be in the dark of the actions of its own government.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein.
The eUs is in need of new leadership to solve these problems.
We cannot simply stand by the policies and ideals of the old.
The country must usher in the New Era of American Leaders to the front.
The burden lies on the shoulders of every American. Do you wish for the same trends of decline to progress? Do you wish for the policies of old to be instated? Or do you wish for the problems of this day be solved, with the policies of this generation of American Leaders.
People of the eUs, hear the coming of a New Era, and rejoice!

Vote for New Leadership
Vote for Radical Change for a Radical Time.
Vote for a New Era.
Vote CivilAnarchy.