The CHP has Risen

Day 1,705, 17:21 Published in Canada Canada by Little Tony

Brothers and Sisters of eRepublik,
I am the new Party President of the Christian Heritage Party and I am proud to announce that I will be able to follow in the footsteps of the former President Trenton Rendell.

While are Party numbers are relatively small all 4 of our members are deeply devoted to creating a stronger, more faithful nation.

Party Line-
*High Taxes (20😵 this will allow for more funding to Military Units and encourage citizens who have yet to join a MU will.
*Brotherhood comes first. Respect each and every single person like your own.
*Democracy. Everyone deserves to have there voice heard. No matter who they are.
*Have fun - It's a game afterall.

The CHP's opinion on the war with the USA.

It's senseless.
While former brothers wage wars on our land the true enemy ONE gains the upper hand. Weeks of fighting to only lose regions due to the lost of damage from the American Forces.

So I ask you Ervy close the war. Rylde has been the bigger person, but there is no reason to get upset over this.

So close this war, as God is on our side.

"He caused their chariot wheels to swerve, and He made them drive with difficulty; so the Egyptians said, "Let us flee from Israel, for the LORD is fighting for them against the Egyptians.""

Exodus 14:25 NASB

More to come from the Christian Heritage Party.