The choice is yours eIsrael

Day 1,078, 10:59 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

eIsrael in 2 days this country will have another round of Presidential Elections. Many of you know that I announced my candidacy publicly almost 2 weeks ago despite a recent article saying I told know no one and did it out of my own power hungry ways.

There has been a lot of mudslinging in recent weeks from both sides. My only regret and apology is I let them get under my skin. I did exactly what they wanted me to do. I responded to their attacks,insults, and accusations in an un presidential manner. Not to say any one should have responded in the ways I did. For that I apologize.

The fact of the mater is there is a huge campaign going on to destroy my reputation and status in order to gain votes amongst people who might not be aware o the bigger picture or are easily convinced of such things.

In any case its typical eIsraeli politics at its best.

I think Sam Krakower is truly a great guy. I have questions about his activity and who he surrounds himself with but thats all. Whether he has purposefully surrounded himself with these sort of people in an attempt to gain votes or is doing it unknowingly as a puppet of sorts is still call for alarm.

These people I speak of are the people who have always ran eIsrael from behind the scenes. They decide the fat of elections, they destroy peoples careers and reputations, they do wahtever they can to stop change and progress in this country. I know this because I too went through them in order to win the election. Its sad but its true.

Once becoming President it was another story.

Every single thing I did was not an attempt to win over a few influential people and votes but to do the best thing for eIsrael.

Wether you like me or not for whatever reasons I made tough decisions for the better of eIsrael that cost me this election, my careers, and reputation.

Something needed to be changed.

As soon as I took office I have been attacked. After CROY lost the election he left eIsrael and told all his followers to do so. Despite them hating me I made an effort to convince them to stay but I was still blamed for them leaving and accused of destroying a community. This was all before I could even make my first presidential announcement. In all actuality people that would leave simply because theyre candidate didnt get elected are not the people we need to move this country forward.

Ive been blamed for the past 2 months in eIsrael. People blamed me for what was going on in September and August. I inherited the problems the previous administrations failed to tackle.

I came to power in a country where we had a dying community. One that was inactive divided and leaving in troves. We had a dead Knesset and government and a dead eIDF. eIsrael was at its worst state. The status quo wasnt working and I set out to fix that.

During my time in office Ive maintain all my election promises.

I followed through on a policy of firm government transparency. Releasing regular article on the goings on and happenings of the government in an attempt to make people more invovled and aware and informed. Something eIsrael has always lacked.

I promised to provide us with a proper New Citizen Message. It was Bilingual and brought plenty of new players to the new forums. eIsrael for too long lacked a proper new citizens message. We needed something simple and straightforward that could keep new players staying here.

I promised training wars and MPPs. I signed MPPs with Poland,Romania and Greece. Providing us with protection and a steady supply of war to keep our citizens happy engaged and fighting.

As soon as taking office the great general Sayeret matkal resigned. The eIDF collapsed for the system he had in place did not make arrangements for a world without him in charge. I had to micromanage and restart up the eIDF. Making new rosters new application forms etc. Now we have a working self sufficient eIDF. Something people attack me for claiming we dont even need an eIDF. I guess the worst aspect of my Presidency was providing a military to defend eIsrael.

I promised to create a census to track activity and other demographic data in eIsrael when I started. This helped my government get a better feeling of what the situation in eIsrael was truly like.

I set up unpopular immigration operations in order to bring more active contributing citizens to eIsrael.

I promised to protect the principle of Free Market. Protecting eIsraeli business interests and maintaining a fiscal responsible policies. Despite this the economy has seen its ups and down due to crazy changes to minimum wages and a inefficient tax system.

I standardized the Ministry System. 4 Main Ministries. Not 11 or 12 ministries to give appointment to political allys and friends. We streamlined the government made it more efficient and effective.

I created various different government run programs such as the Internship and Ambassador programs to create a new generation of young eIsraelis active in government and pave the way for new faces to replace the old recycled politicans and old guard.

All minor stuff. The one thing Ill be remembered for for better or worse was the introduction of the new National Forums. Ive said enough on this topic and Im done with it. History will judge this action but I believe the forums save eIsrael from dying out all together.

My term was relatively quiet till the days before the election. I made major mistakes on choosing my cabinet I ended up doing most of their jobs. Ive been used as a scapegoat and target in an attempt to win over votes for parties.

Now if I actually win the upcoming elections I have many plans. We were limited in our capability to do much during my first term. I was preoccupied with the basic needs of state building (Forums eIDF MPPs New Citizen message) to focus on grandeur plans and future for eIsrael.

Some plans I had but couldnt achieve in my first term include:

-I want to work with the Knesset for a huge comprehensive reform in our tax code.

-I want to truly push to gain entrance into EDEN as a full member now that we have a working fully active eIDF to represent us.

- A better more comprehensive Immigration strategy based on my initial plans for advertisements and articles across the globe like how the new countries just recently added are doing.

-Establish a new education program. Bilingual to help new players in this game. Giving it all the resources it needs to do so. It would be lead by a bilingual team of experience players committed to providing new players with the information necessary to make it big in this game.

In the end eIsrael you have a big decision to make.

I will always be here for eIsrael. I will never leave it. This is my country and I have stuck with it through the best and worse times.

Ive tried my best and worked my hardest this term to provide for eIsrael and ensure it a brighter future. Im not the demonic child eating monster they portray me to be.

A vote for me will be a vote towards progress. Not the same old politics, not the same old faces and recycled politicians, not the same old egos. Actual progress and a clear cut plan and agenda.

A vote for Sam krakower will be... Well I dont know yet cause he hasnt published anything.

I invite Sam krakower to a moderated Presidential Debate on IRC to debate the issues. I hope something can be arranged.

I also welcome any questions or comments regarding my Presidential Run. I will try my best to answer all of them.

For the rest your free to flame this thread with our never ending spew of hatred and ignorance and show all of eIsrael your true faces.

Am Yisreal Chai

Gavin Wax

President of eIsrael and a whole lot of former positions that dont matter anymore.