The Canadian University of Erepublik, now offering classes ***UPDATED***

Day 436, 15:50 Published in Canada Canada by John Wilkmot

That's right folks,

I, John Wilkmot, as the new President of the Canadian University of Erepublik am starting courses for those who wish to learn of erepublik itself and its history.

Current Courses are:
Canadian History
Economy in Erepublik
Past Wars/Battles
World Religions
Erepublik Militiary Strategy and World Militiaries use that form to sign up for a course

If you are Interested in teaching a course, please contact me directly. All courses take place in eCanada classrooms located at

The Ottawa Guardian Literary Award is up and running, check out Banach's latest article to see the details


We are now also offering a course called Erepublik Militiary Strategy and World Militiaries taught by the current Minister of Defense Derakor!