The Canadian spirit is alive.

Day 288, 19:11 Published in Canada Canada by emilio sanchez

Hello fellow eCitizens.

It is good to see all the progress eCanada is making. I think it is on it's way to becoming the greatest eCountry to live in, in ERepublik.

Links provided below... So people will be able to find the sites easier, since many seem to have been lost.

With all the latest news coming out, from Codey and his hard work creating all the sites for eCanada. Like a radio, museum etc. I, and I'm sure everyone else thanks Codey for his hard work. We can also thank Banach for cleaning up and improving our military might, to be a great force on the world stage.

Now we have a great citizen and a great friend of mine, jbdlvinus running for party president of CSD, and maybe our future president. I for one am happy to see this news and support his ideas.

There has been other great news released in the past week or so, that is good to hear, It seems we are moving up in the world... At least in the world of ERepublik 🙂

We may be ranked in 16th place on the biggest Country's list.. But we are the proudest and greatest bunch of citizens 'this' world could ever hope to have.

Good luck to everyone and remember... Have fun!


jbdlvinus announcement: [a url=]A road to success.[/a]
Museum: [a]Canadian Museum[/a]
Radio: [a url=]Canada's Radio[/a]