The Canadian Relocation Program

Day 635, 16:26 Published in Hungary Canada by Alaricus

The Canadian Resistance has put together quite a few moving tickets. We have decided to help Canadians relocate, who cannot afford too. We would like to relocate you to a region with Q5 defences and Q5 hospitals, and of course stable jobs. First priority is to our CRM members, and Canadians stuck in Enemy territory, but we are willing to help Canadians around the globe(regardless of where you are).

We are asking any Canadians who cannot afford a ticket, to come forward and contact us. We will give them to you free of charge, until we run out.

You can contact any of these people, and they will help and provide you with tickets.



Neil III

The "OG literacy Award" organization

You can also just comment if you need a ticket.

VOTE, SUB, and please Pass this on to all your friends, so we can help as many Canadians out as possible. Also, if you are interested in joining the Canadian Resistance Movement, subscribe to our forums.

SIDE Note: All current CRM members, relocate to Romania please.