The Canada in Us All

Day 627, 02:38 Published in USA Poland by Parrot

Hello, America. Most of you don't know me; or any of you, for that matter. But, I'm Parrot, I'm from South Korea in Erepublik(however, am currently serving to try to protect you in war in Switzerland) and am a US citizen in real life.

With that being said, though, I believe there is a greater cause than me to speak of. As some of you have noticed, Canada is gone. The once proud nation and strong block of ATLANTIS... has vanished. This is strange. A year ago no one would ever dream of a critical nation of ATLANTIS being subjugated. No one. PEACE was dinky.

You know, it's interesting how these events turned about. No one would have thought PEACE would have gotten this powerful. The circumstances just lead up to it and led up to it. ATLANTIS let their guard down as the nation of Hungary swelled and Indonesia ran rampant. And as a result, the unthinkable has happened. ATLANTIS let the world go, everyone grew to passive, and soon a threat grew. And, even then, Canada still stood a chance. But the fact is, ATLANTIS still let the threat get so much out of hand that it has started to literally consume them. Nations are being devoured as we speak. People are be subjugated. There is no longer PEACE or ATLANTIS, there is merely destruction and chaos.

The fact is, Canada is a perfect analogy for each and everyone of us. We, as people, sit back, let ourselves go just a little, and pretty soon, we do things we would never have fathomed we would do. We get so used to saying "I WOULD NEVER" much as we said ATLANTIS would never fall,so used to white-knuckling our problems, and so used to bottling up our sins and our struggles, that we fall into that we hate even deeper and are eventually consumed by it. And in the end, we're regretful, self-hating, and hateful torwards others for our own, horrible acts.

I know I am like that. Like a dying nation I give my troubles too much leverage and in the end, I struggle with lust and disobedience. I fall into things I am long past falling into; and yet, I keep doing them. The things I hate doing is just what I do gladly as soon as the next chance comes up. The God I worship and the God I pray to I shove aside, all for the love of filfth. And the fact is, it's only by the grace of God and the knowledge that this sin; this craving; these twisted thoughts and horrible desires, are forgiven, are set free, and are all pardoned by the cruxifiction of our Saviour on that bloody Cross 2000 years ago.

We are the refuse of the world. And yet, by God's love and by our repentance and acceptance, we are purified of our sins, purified of whatever detestable actions we have done, and set free from eternal punishment, set free from the pain we justly deserve for said actions, and set free from being bound to commit those sins again. We no longer are bound to wordly guilt but merely bound to cry out repentance to God, only one time and never again, to recieve purification of our misdeeds.

Next time you are tempted, remember: by the cross of Christ, you are set apart from this world; you are no longer of Heaven but of Earth. You have been forgiven of whatever sin you will commit and are no longer bound to destruction. For, we are all Canada. Yet, unlike Canada, we aren't bound to destruction and death but rather to redemption and glorification.

God bless you all, and have a nice day.