The Calm Before The Storm...

Day 733, 16:52 Published in Australia New Zealand by Shauny B

It has been quite quiet here at the Attacker for the past few days, as not much of great interest has been happening in eAustralia. Other than the upcoming Senate elections, which have been rocked by the traditional controversy, eIndonesia's war with Malaysia / us, and the NBA robbery, that is...

But this is just the beginning. Chatter on the IRC has been mostly negate, in regards to the Senate. The unruly nature of the democracy we inhabit has taken its toll, and whilst most, if not all, senators work for the good of the nation, they cannot decide the best course of action to fulfill the call to their country. This lack of organisation within the Senate has surely weakened our strength and standing amongst other nations.

Turning our attention to other nations, and the war with Indonesia. Early in the conflict, Malaysia lost the territories she once held in the north, but now the war seems to have stabilized. They have the option of starting an offensive upon us, if need be, but this would bring in the Yanks on our side, making the whole offensive useless.

But, the relative calm on the front is deceptive. Recently, the NBA was robbed. 1,800 gold was stolen, and the robber remains at large. We know a large sum appeared in Indonesia's coffers, but we have ruled them out as the offenders. But the fact that some of the funds were diverted to Indonesia should be concerning. Someone out there has got their bets placed on us fighting, and who knows why...

In this climate of fear, uncertainty and violence, Australia needs a strong leadership, with a strong senate behind it. I am not having a go at Cerri here, as (to be honest) I don't know much about her policies or her as a person. I do, however, know that the senate needs to be strengthened, needs to be prepared to stick out its neck to make those hard decisions, and (if they fail) stand up and say "yes, we made the wrong choice". We cannot have a senate that is not prepared to do that.

The point of this article is this; be careful about who you vote for this Wednesday. Forget about the party, or the political alignment, and vote for what is best for Australia in these trying times. We cannot have infighting with threats from within and without. This month could well decide Australia's fate. Could you live with making the wrong choice?