The Call of Jsboutin

Day 1,382, 19:40 Published in Canada Pakistan by Frodo Tea Baggins

I answer because jsboutin asked some questions,

1)Personnellement, je crois qu'il est important de répondre aux besoins des gens qui ne parlent que français. Comment allez-vous faire pour qu'ils puisse vous comprendre, car je crois bien que vous ne parlez qu'anglais, non?

I never even tied to google translate this but I'm not french, not biligual. But yes I have a basic undestanding in reading even though I can't speak it to save my life. I think it is important to understand and respond to posts in french. I may have an limited undersatanding but it's no less important. If I responded wrong then it's my poor translation skills.

2)What is the weakest point of eCanada, in your opinion?

Congress and SVT's. They live in a box with no idea. They form opinion without knowing anything. In the pasdt months they've become worse, it's all about my MU, what can I get. Nothing else matters it's only a greed game now.

3) What is your opinion on aeriala nominating himself for CP without a proper vote in his party? Or at least on the claims of doing so.

I was trying to cover up nobody in MAP voted as PP. seriously. The only vote was from Venoms for a canidate that was declared in the nomination vote invalid. The issue is moot, there was no votes. The party chose to expose that themselves so let it be.

4) What is the strongest point of eCanada?

Charity and volunteerism. Although sadly the gov't has wondered away from it it still exists. Whether it's the individual that donates to a MU or the guy that hands out free food it's out there. I won't single anything out but I know of many cases.

5) More or less funding for the militaries?

That really depends on the tax base and the situation. Balanced budgets then we figure out where we are.

6) More or less VAT, if it was your choice?

I'd prefer less there is a cap to tax increase. If we tax to the cap we have nowhere to go in an emergency. However I don't believe we are really over taxed in a world situation perspective. How this money is used however is another question.

7) Treian as CP? How good was he in september?

Mediorce, as usual. Didnt seem to care, no time input. Huge blunders giving gold away no questions asked.

Alliances, what about them?

Alliances only work if you work with them. I'll put this straight out. NOBODY, NOBODY has put any effort in the the last 6 months besides myself and Sperry. Anyone that complains has no right to, and I don't give a crap what the ppl that think they were importat think. If you got no respect it was because you DID NOTHING. end story.

9)Your main objective in the next month?

Increase new player help, new outreach. A War with help promised by our allies, I pt some study into it. Continuing to help our allies and put ONE back in place. We have budds out there, no country can stand alone, I believe in the lovin we give to our closest becuse we get it back.

10) Please explain your avatar and erep name. That'd be interesting.

Back in the day I played another online game where you could only access certain classes by the sex of your character when you signed up. Most ppl in my guild had two accounts where we could play all classes and one of the chars that was my fav was a female char. Now I'm a little than the standard gameplayer but I have a certain love for the name Aerial. I swore if I ever had a daughter I would name her that. It has never come to pass at the age of 40 but I still like that name. As Aerial is often taken it grew to Aeriala. No big story but when I signed up for erep I never imagined the social size and by the time I did I was high enough level I didn't want to restart. Coincedence whatever.
The avatar? enma Ei? Hell Girl is and always will be my favorite. Watch it and judge for yourself.
