The Business Buzz in eIndia [Top business empires]

Day 742, 16:37 Published in India India by ArjaaAine

Taking inspiration from Vegeto's article on Most Dangerous Indians

I have worked and tried to calculate the total networth of the top business groups in India.

#1 Azad Hind Fauj
Networth > 1600g (Not confirmed)
Managed by :- shail.back
Sponsored by :- A LOT of people who have dedicated there hard-earned to AHF, so AHF can provide long term financial services to eIndia besides its military operations.

#2 India Rising
NetWorth ~= 1350g
Managed by :- ArjaaAine
Owned by :- ArjaaAine

#3 Indian Business Group
Networth ~= 950g
Managed by :- ArjaaAine
Sponsored by:- Over 20 people who have bought shares in the Organization. The fastest growing and one of the best business opportunities in eIndia.

#4 Swastik
Networth ~= 900g
Managed by :- Wing0
Sponsored by :- Wing0, pheonix99,Timberjack, hsr sr.

#5 Tricolor Group
Networth > 700g (Unconfirmed)
Managed by :- Multiple Sponsors which includes JackJack, Nagaprathyush, Anant Singhal, spikeingrass, anupm.
Sponsored by :- Same multiple owners who are working together in Managing and Owning the companies, a great example of mutually beneficial Organization.

Now we can see the top 5 Businesses in eIndia have networth of over 5500 gold.
What do you think is the networth of eIndian Government?
Is it comparable to the top businesses?
Is it as rich as India's individuals are?
Or is eIndia can't stand up to the individual businesses?

eIndia's Networth ~= 2500g (Including fluid assets only)

This means though the government is slightly richer than the top 5 business groups.. We still don't stand near the total worth of Businesses in eIndia.
What this means is up to everyone's perception.

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