The Bulgarian-Turkey Dispute

Day 1,565, 08:18 Published in Canada Canada by chewytaz

You may have noticed the many shouts. Including this one,
"The CSD stands by Bulgaria."
What has happend?
Well yesterday EDEN HQ called a "emergency" summit on a certain topic. One topic was on the agenda. Discussion and resolution of problems arising from the conflict between Bulgaria and Turkey.

A vote was held in the summit and the following decision was made...
Turkey is no more trial member of EDEN.
Basically what happened is EDEN gave Turkey the boot and told them your not a trial member until this conflict with Bulgaria is disolved. Although Turkey is not a trial member anymore they are allowed to fight for EDEN and resign MPPs.

Now Turkey wasn't the only one affected, as Bulgaria was given punishment too.

Bulgaria's privileges are temporarily suspended.

Basically this means that Bulgaria's membership in EDEN is temporarily deleted. So Bulgaria cannot attend summits, vote or send a representative to HQ until Bulgaria and Turkey issue resolves.

Why EDEN HQ decided this issue?
"hostile actions of Bulgaria against EDEN’s trial member (meaning, against EDEN as whole), not obeying EDEN’s Treaty and it’s policy about leaking information, unfruitful negotiations, which resulted in the instability of the alliance"

Now what does this mean?
Bulgaria fought against Turkey in Iran which EDEN believes is fighting against EDEN. Bulgaria also not obeyed the treaty of EDEN which also hasn't been renewed after the expiry date of September 2010. EDEN HQ also claims Bulgaria "leaked" information. However Bulgarian president says only two people had information which was the Bulgarian Representative and himself and neither had released information. Lastly, EDEN banned Bulgaria for "negative" negotaitions with Turkey. EDEN HQ expects both sides to cooperates after what they have done and at the next Summit the EDEN CPs will review the what has happened and will decide what to do next.

Here are the results of the vote, of what to do to Bulgaria.
YES: Croatia, Romania, Italy, Norway, Ukraine, Greece, Belarus, SC, Finland

9 yeses.
8 CPs and the HQ

NO: Ireland, Israel, Portugal
3 noes from 3 CPs,

The results are a total of 11 CPs voted and the Supreme Council got a vote. the final results are a 9-3 meaning 66% voted yes which means Bulgaria can be suspended. Now, 11 CPs voted. Up their we don't see Canada voting, or China. Had they voted no then the results would have been different. What happened we don't know why these two countries hadn't voted maybe its a #conspiracy. Maybe Kronos didn't want to make a decision that would cause public dispute like the veto.

I'll leave that for you to decide.

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