The Broken Military Pay Machine

Day 394, 11:14 Published in USA USA by Maxmillian VonWillebrand

So as I sit here, pondering what to tell my troops about their paychecks that have yet to arrive for last week, I find myself caught between a rock and a hard place. On one hand, I have been told that the faucet has been turned off by those at the top of the foodchain, and on the other hand I'm being told by those same people that it's not them squeezing the pipeline. I truly DON'T know who to believe. Either way, I know that something has GOT to be done about the way things are handled with regard to the way the military is paid. Therefore, instead of BITCHING about it like most everyone has been doing (self included in that one) I have written up a new proposal that hopefully our current administration and the incoming administration will at the very LEAST take a look at and consider as the revamping of the broken system...Here goes:

National Guar😛
No pay for those enlisted. If you want to be in the military, you need to do some volunteer time to serve your country and build up your strength to the minimum requirements to be transferred into the Army, which I believe currently sits at 4.0.

$10/week during peacetime so long as you are ACTIVELY reporting in each week to your CO. Those that don't report in, simply don't get paid. During war time, bump it up to $15/week for their effort and service so long as they are deployed and actually fighting. We need to get all of our troops off of the GIFTING mentality anyhow, so this money will help them offset the cost of bringing up their wellness caused by training, not fighting. We all need to learn how to fight the right way - go till you hit 40-50 wellness, then hit the hospital!!

$20/week during peacetime, again, so long as you are ACTIVELY reporting in. By the time you hit the Marines, you are pretty damn active anyhow, so this shouldn't be a problem. During war time, bump these brave souls up to $30/week for their effort and service, so long as they are deployed and actually fighting.

Of course, this article only directly addresses the issue of pay for enlisted men, not officers. That is something I am leaving to the brass to handle, but it's got to be part of the whole package. No matter what, the bottom line here is to set up a pay scale and system that is both affordable and manageable. If we continue to just NOT pay our troops, dissention will continue to grow, and morale will continue to drop. I for one do not want to see my platoon ripped apart just because my men feel like they are being ignored.

That's my 2-cents...

~MV, Editor In Chief