The Brits!

Day 2,404, 14:36 Published in Ireland Canada by Natster

Arggh! Dem Brits! Always a menace and poking their noses where they don't belong. A long standing history of colonialism coupled with an air of pompancy, makes these peoples a most nefarious folk.

Resistance at all odds can be tiring, but the pride of the Irish will not relent! We will cause those Brits to tire of their antics. This may be the reason they are being sacked. They have stuck their noses into too many places.

There was a time when they were allies of certain nations, but in times of need these nations reached out to the Brits only to have the brits turn against them. They are like a tumbleweed in the wind always trying to follow the path of least resistance.

We only have a couple of things to say:

and in Support of this great country:

Clan Wolf will proudly wear the green, white and orange. We will remember!