The British Empire Party

Day 1,201, 11:03 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mickale

Hello my readers. After going to the hospital and back from temporary blindness after ridding the cakes of dust that have piled upon this newspaper, I say now: The British Empire Party.

The BEP was once a great party - ranking in the top 5 political parties in its time. Many of the people who ran it took great care in it and its goals were noble. Unfortunately, it has succumbed to the passage of time and has slipped into the hourglass of time as but another grain of sand. But no more!

It is with great pleasure that I may announce to you all today that the British Empire Party shall be revitalised! bambert and myself, along with the other active members, will be making new strides to bring this party back to its former glory!

For now our chief goal is this: To gain as many followers as possible.

We do have many problems including the lack of a forum. Hopefully when people join there will be enough technically-minded individuals to help us sort this out.

It will certainly be a challenge but we will persevere! We will try to restore the old balance of power, with the BEP as a force of military emphasis, economic focus, and social publicity.

All ye who see this, help make the eUK a better place and provide some diversity to this monotonous regime of powers. We can make a difference for a more aggressive, stronger, and entertaining eUK! Join the British Empire Party!