The British Democratic Party and You

Day 1,156, 12:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by British Democratic Party Hub
Who are the British Democrats?
We are a collective group of eUK citizens who believe strongly in democracy and group discussion as opposed to having an elite group of old-timers making all the decisions for the party. Through this philosophy, we help citizens to grow as eRepublik players and to be more comfortable expressing their opinions, even in the face of adversity. We work together, we play together; we celebrate our victories, and study our defeats. This is what makes us the British Democratic Party.

How do the British Democrats make decisions?
As the name implies, the British Democratic Party finds it very important that all members who want a voice have one. We recognize that even though we are a unified political party, we may have different opinions about the direction of the party or how we do things because no two people are alike. Therefore, before we make any major decisions, be it a change in a party policy, deciding what to do about the Prime Ministerial elections, or just about anything else aside from the day-to-day running of the party, all members are encouraged to be a part of the discussion and to vote on the party’s final verdict.

That’s great, but can I actually get involved?
I’m glad you asked. The British Democratic Party adores the energy that new members can bring (whether new to the game or just to the party) and want to get you involved. I’ve used myself as an example before (Connor West), but I find it’s the best story I can tell because I experienced it firsthand. I was eBorn on October 1st, 2010 and joined the party later that same month and joined the party forum. In November, I applied for the position of Chief of Public Affairs and was approved, and I’ve been serving in that capacity ever since (the name changed once, but it was the same job). In December, I put my name out there for the Parliamentary elections, and on December the 25th, 2010 the British Democratic Party gave me the best Christmas Present I got that year, a seat in the eUK Parliament. As you can see, the British Democratic Party embraces new members and encourages them to jump into new waters, and they’re there to help you along the way.

Awesome! How do I sign up?
It’s pretty easy. First, if you’re the appropriate level, you can go ahead and join the British Democratic Party in-game. Next, whether you’re the proper in-game level or not, you can go ahead and go to the eUK forums and ask for access to the British Democratic Party private forums. Once you’re accepted, you can jump in on discussion and learn how the party and the country operate, and even become a part of the operation of both.

Best wishes,

Connor West