The Breton People Prepare For Their Independence Day - THE TIME IS NIGH!

Day 751, 13:58 Published in France South Korea by Breton Boy

With France falling apart left and right in the face of the never ending Francoist armies, the Breton People prepare for what they have been working for weeks now: Their Declaration of Independence.

Stalin-Chan and I had hoped to wait for the Breton Nationalist Party to take control of the mayorship of our two fair regions in the next elections before we declared our independence, but at this rate it is clear that we must step up our timetables.

If Brittany falls to Spain, if France ceases to be our taskmasters, there will be many who will want to seek agreement and compromise. There will be many who will fail to have learned from the betrayal of the German experience and will try to seek accord with the invaders for independence.

Do not be fooled! Spain shall be no different then France. No different then Nazi Germany. No different then the English. If France falls and we along with it, then we must simply fight harder and more ruthlessly then ever before!

So we are left with a choice. Declare independence before France falls and have the full power of our new Nation-State at our disposal... or wait for Spain to reach our shores and force us to continue on as a guerrilla and parliamentary campaign for justice and freedom.

I say we choose Independence NOW! By the end of next week we shall have expelled the French Oppressors from our lands and will have ripped the French rags from our flagpoles. We shall go to the leading international authorities and DEMAND that our independence be recognized. We shall DEMAND that Spain stop at our boarders and recognize us or declare war on us proper and engage in the fight of their lives.

We shall thus issue the following proclamation: From this day forth the Breton Revolutionary Army shall begin to step up its war campaign against the French and punish collaborators with their government. It shall call up its allies in Ireland and beyond and pursue the 'French Civil War' that has been a long time coming.

The road ahead will not be easy my brothers... it will be a hard road full of bloodshed and agony. But it will be OUR road, and we shall walk it and smile. For we are the blessed children of Amorica; we are the BRETONS and we SHALL NOT BE DENIED!