The birth of a quarantine nation - eDenmark

Day 420, 13:12 Published in Sweden Brazil by Lerdeif

In the previous editions of "Downfall of Denmark" you have been informed and warned about the greatest threat to the swedish empire: The danish disease. And though the creation of a quarantine nation under danish flag always has been the logic choice, this very solution has been subject to a huge conflict within the swedish government - dividing it into two camps.

To the great disappointment of the more nationalistic swedish politicians,
the men in power have now decided to act rather sooner than later, and the construction of the quarantine zone has begun.

But though this project to isolate all what is broken and corrupt within one sick nation is only a few hours old, it has already encountered its first major problem: European Humanists!
Led by the spannish, brittish and romanians, humanists from all over Europe has travelled to Copenhagen in order to protest against the construction of the quarantine nation.
It has already come to fights between the construction workers and the demonstrants as they tried to breach the newly-build wall.

The humanists argue that the danish natives - who are to live within the quarantine zone - are fellow human beings who just need a friendly pat on the back and a little guidance in order to function in the swedish society. And that the swedish men in power are inhumane.

Some of them even take it as far as blaming the cynical swedish industry of causing the "danish disease" in the first place.

But as these humanists are clearly misinformed, it is essential that swedish government starts a large media campaign, to stop the youth of europe from flocking to danish zone. The situation is already getting out of hand.

Once again our mighty swedish leaders need to act!

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