The Birth Of a New Eindia

Day 1,245, 08:03 Published in India India by Ankit007

There is not much thrill left in the game.It's time we make this more interesting.Having lost the party president Elections, i lost out one opportunity to bring in change.But this would not stop me.

I hereby declare that i am going to form a new Political Party and introduce a Multi-Party System In India.The Party would not just be another party on the list.It will be the party with some objectives and goals.A brief description will be given below.Those who join the party will be given full right to debate on the objectives and goals and the goals might change if a majority of party members agree.


-Attack and conspire against those who suppress us and support those who are willing to support us.
-Currently we live on the Mercy of Other Nations.Emerging as a Super power will be a major Objective.
-Integrate the new players into the functioning of the nation which I believe is not being done at its best.
-Geographical Expansion
-Form an alliance with small countries of the eWorld to give the larger countries a tough time.

-Increasing Import Duties on a majority of products to reduce imports and the flow of Indian Currency onto foreign Market.
-Set up a Business Support Cell who will keep a look on the world markets and provide advice to our Indian Businessmen to grow their business.
-The business support cell will have leading Indian Businessmen and economist of Eindia and will form strategies to increase the export market.

-Work towards getting more Indians to erepublik by publicizing the game on other Portals.
-The party will also aim to get some prominent Eindians who have acquired foreign citizenship.

I have been question by some that i always write about what is to be done but i never that how it is to be done.I would take a moment to answer this question.

The Solutions cannot be put up in an Open forum as it is accessible to any one in the eworld.Reason number two-Even if i attempt to right it will be very long and take a lot of time and for me it would be very boring for me.I prefer to revel my cards step by step so that i do not get bored while writing.Moreover i would prefer to tell the solution in a discussion so that it will be more convinent for me.

-Have a separate forum where we will have regular discussions.Once the party is made the primary objective will be to hold discussions and to form a strategies for getting into power and how to imply our ideologies.

The Problem I am facing is that i hardly have any Gold.I had lost a lot of gold due to the closere of the ERX and most of my money is INR and it will not be wise to convert it into Gold right now.As it will be a party for the people i would like the people to contribute for the formation of the party.I request the people to donate whatever gold they can to the following organization so that we can start working towards a New Eindia as soon as possible.Your support will be appreciated.If you have any questions please comment or send me a PM.

Click To Donate

Though we are independent we still survive on Mercy of others.Its time to actually be Independent.

"Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new, when an age ends, and when the soul of a nation, long suppressed, finds utterance."
-Jawaharlal Nehru