The biggest win of eRomania in V2

Day 1,036, 21:08 Published in Romania Hungary by Heidar

Good Morning eRomania!

I want to congratulate you for the biggest win of eRomania in V2. Yes, you can. eRomania could occupy Northen Great Plain, the region with 136 citizens and medium grain resource. You must be very happy. It was an epic win.

Picture 1.: "eRomania is glorious, we can invade Northen Great Plain. Be happy!"

It was better than when Hungary invade the capital of eCroatia in Central Croatia region, and after that erase the e-country. It was more awesome than when Hungary beat you in high iron region Podolia, and still holding it. Yes, the battle of Norten Graet Plain must be the best fight in the V2's history. eRomania could hold it for 24 hours , it is more than meets the eye.

Picture 2.: "This is eRomania's biggest win in V2? Really?? Nothing else???"

Northen Great Plain, the greatest win of eRomania in V2!.... hmm poor eRomania....

Picture 3.: Poor eRomania...

Goodl luck and better e-future!
