The Best Innovations or widely used stuff in Erepublik

Day 690, 14:11 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator
This site is just like wikipedia but there isn't anything from real life in it, just erepublik.
This is a great tool that lets you know about almost every thing and I suggest making a wiki account.

....and looking up your self- that's fun stuff on learning how you have affected other people's elife (unfortunately I have only impacted Jewitt's and Leviathann's elife, but my newspaper is mention on WahooBob's page.WOOT!)
I don't know who started using this but it has boosted communication for all citizens of the new world.
It is great to talk about economics, politics and what not.

I have been on there many times in the past to do business meetings ,get sponsors for newspapers, and what not.

If you are new and you don't know what I am talking about then let me explain: IRC is an Instant message program, you can download many versions to talk but the one I suggest is .It's free and you don't have to down load it. Also you start by clicking on the link that is on the upper right box and after that it will take you to a page that will ask for your nickname and channel. Type in your erepublik name ,and below that you'll see the chat channel- and if you are an American type in #USA-chat

Here is the list of all of the other channels

Now there are three types of maps that are good for knowledge: Two are made by citizens and one is made by the Admin.

1. (made by a citizen) It tells you when where battles are currently going on and it stays updated constantly. It also tells you where most citizens live, where the most companies are, where the best fighters are, where the healthiest people live , where battles are, the high regions are, constructions, which regions are what and what they contain, active battles and much more.

2. (made by a citizen) I couldn't find it- but this map is a newspaper. I love reading this one but apparently I am not subscribed to it. Let me tell you about it and maybe it you can find a link to it I can edit this article and you'll receive a q1 gun if you are the first person to get it. It isn't really a map but it just shows the political map of countries and shows what is happening: like if a president accidentally attacks another country the map would show a picture of Homer saying "D'oh" ,it'll show not just if a country is attacking another but if it is a training war , and it also goes into more depth ,but unfortunately this is a newspaper and doesn't stay updated.

3. (made by admin) This is called "World Map" it can be found under the tab "info". This map is very simple and only shows battles and land resources. What sucks is that you can't tell which region is which by name - if you are looking for a specific region by name you won't find it here. This map does show: population and where they live, active battles, resources, and construction. The best thing about this map is the dates: You can click on the calender and click on a date to see what battles were active and which country had which land , and where people lived at that time.

Erepublik PLus
Now this is a great tool. It tells you all sorts of stuff and it even tells you what your wellness is going to be after you eat your daily bread.

I don't know much about this because I can't download this ,so I had to ask around and snoop around and I found a paragraph that was written by the maker, "PeeKaBooh":

"eRepublik Plus is a Greasemonkey user script written in that helps eCitizens by extending the base functionality of eRepublik, thus making the game "easier" to play.
It uses eAPI in accordance with 6.2 eRepublik Law to deliver richer gaming experience to the eRepublik Community. Source code is publicly available for your reference. It’s a true user generated content made entirely available to other users to use."

You can find out more about this tool here

Webtools (websites that give you information about nearly everything current in erepublik)

These are my favorite types of tools:webtools.

There are three major ones:

Erepublik Tools and are similiar: They both show the cheapest prices of a product, the average prices of each product, the monetary market exchange rates along with graphs, and they also show the cheapest raw material price that is at q1.

But they are both very different
Erepublik Tools:
~ Let's you browse for companies
~ Show the world stock of companies and which company the belong in
~ The economic value of each country
~ How each industry is distributed in each country.
~ Is produced by Carbon (not that this really matters)
~ It also let's you look up regions
~ let's you know about demographics in the world
Unfotunately this list would be longer but it has lots of things that are offline:
~ Battle Statistics
~ Taxes by country,and industries
~ Salaries
~ Treasury in each country

~ Has a company calculator that lets you know how much everyone produces, how much profit you'll make from each person, the wellness of everybody,their skill ,and a link to your employees profile page.
~ a battle calculator that lets you know how much damage you can do and your max damage,
~ A wellness calculator which let's you know what your wellness is going to be next and whether not if you should buy higher quality foods or house.
~ Productivity Calculator that let's someone know how much one produces( which is kinda redundant to the company calculator)
~ Erepublik Suggest: this is a tool that let's you suggest an idea or support an idea that you wish to see in Erepublik "What do you want to see in eRepublik? Vote, suggest & discuss here"
~ Created by Big Brother (not that this really matters)
Erepublik.Ws doesn't have such a long list as Erepublik Tools but it does provide high quality tools, but they do cost some gold ,which I say are totally worth it. Also here is a list of what they are working on or is offline:
~ ERX: "ERX will be a stock exchange that allows citizens of eRepublik to invest into companies through buying and selling their shares....Anyone can become a stock trader, and any company owner can list their companies or organizations on ERX, no matter how small or large."
~ eLottery: (self explanatory) but this has been the first official erepublik lottery and is trusted unlike newspaper based lotteries.

Now I've explained two of the three web tools ,so let me tell you about eGovernment
~ It provides all the information for but is in a graph form so that way it's easy to find out stuff about ones country in just a glance.

I know there is more ,like the forums (which I despise greatly for its complexity) ,but that's all I am going to write right now.

-by Donovanator,
Chief Editor of "The Word"
Owner of Donovanator's Industries/Bank
Former Two time Congressman of Tennessee
A person who hates titles under someone's name after they finish commenting or writing
and much more....

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