The Battle of Far Eastern Russia

Day 1,018, 02:27 Published in USA USA by MorningAlice

Day 1,017 1600 Hours
Battlefields of FER/Western Alaska
Report Made by: Lt. MorningAlice, CO 312th Platoon

The Allied EDEN Forces had fought and won the Battle of the Siberias, only to lose FER in a surprise Resistance War made by the Rubots. For the front line infantrymen, it had been days of stark terror. Every soldier had vivid memories of comrades who had been killed in the effort. Memories of those who had died stoically, and those who had given up their lives in fits of terror while calling for their mothers and their God to save them. No matter what their rank or how they had died, death had brought them together as equals now, lying silent and numb beneath the fields of FER.

As the screaming artillery shells fell and exploded around them, a dozen TC soldiers sprinted for the safety of the distant woods and their own lines. The deep snow of Far Eastern Russia a.k.a Western Alaska sucked at their feet and caused them to slip as the bursting shells showered them with clods of frozen dirt. The Rubot artillery seemed sure to annihilate them at any moment.

Lt. Charles “Charlie” Howe felt as though his lungs would burst. As radioman for the
reconnaisance squad, he carried all of his normal fighting equipment, plus their SCR-300 shortwave radio, which was housed in a large backpack. In all, he was running with more than seventy pounds of equipment strapped to his body. Charlie felt as if he couldn't run another step, but run he did. Run or be blown to bits in this open field outside the capital city of FER.

“Why in the world am I in this godforsaken wasteland” Charlie spoke out loud as he kept on running beside his fellow officer Lt. Sharkjuggler, who seemingly oblivious to the artillery barrage they were in, happily answered in his Southern voice “It’s cuz of dem tits! FER has lots and lots of dem tits!” Oh yeah, he thought to himself, Godforsaken Western Alaska is high in Titanium, but still..

BOOM! One shell fell much closer than the rest, landing less than forty feet away. A running
TC reserve stumbled and fell. When he got back onto his feet, it was clear that the force of the
explosion had rattled his head. The woods were getting closer now, but so were the explosions.
Would they make it in time?

The explosions stopped and Brigadier General DMJohnston crawled to the man-made ditch, took advantage of the sudden reprieve and made attempts to contact JCS Command. *pshh*JCS Command this is *pshh* TC Companies Alpha Bravo and Charlie *pshh* we need immediate evac *pshh* we’re being overrun! *pshh*. Damnit! No Response. Where in the world is Lt.Gen Morrigan? *pshh* JCS Command this is *pshh* TC Companies Alpha Brav…


BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! The seconds felt like hours as everything suddenly went dead silent. Medic! shouted Lt. Crucifix “PandaSteak” Ninja as he surveys the battlefield and sees half the Company gravely injured. He shouts again holding the limp body of Lt.SharkJuggler. “Medic! Medic! Medi..” and suddenly stops as the earth shook and gave sign to the impending doom approaching.. “TANKS!! RUBOT TANKS AT 12’oCLOCK!” someone shouted, as the onslaught began again.

As the Rubot Tanks rolled, the remaining TC soldiers, already battered and beaten, were ready to take them all on. We will not surrender! Onward Men! Shouted retired General-turned-Private-First-Class Relin “FOR AIUR! FOR BIA!” griping his rifle, made a mad dash onto the enemy tanks. The TC soldiers seeing this followed closely behind.

Even through the valiant efforts of the TC troops, the Rubots being led by their fearless general, Skynet1010101, still won the battle for the sole reason that they outnumber the TC soldiers 100 to 1.

This IS SPARTA! Shouted Cpl. Daks as he took his final breath, while the other Training Corps soldiers used the dead bodies of their comrades as human shields while silently whispering “You shall not be forgotten..” and continued to fight on.

RGTPFC Relin decided to go down with thine enemies, Protoss-Style, taking a bag full of ammunition and artillery shells, shouting WAIT FOR ME BIA! detonated himself and took down the enemy general, Skynet1010101 with him. Truly a worthy death for a soldier from Aiur.

After an intense battle, only Charlie was left alive.. feeling hopeless and defeated, Charlie closed his eyes and asked himself “Is this the end?” as he felt the approaching tank aim its sights on him…


Charlie felt an explosion, Am I in heaven? he thought, Feels like it.. wait.. are there.. supposed to be choppers.. in Heaven? Suddenly he became aware of a nearby chopper hovering above him and hears two very alluring voices from the transponder radio strapped to his back that quickly jerks him back to reality..

*pshh* TC Company Bravo *pshh* this is Lt. MorningAlice and Captain Killerballerina *pshh* General Nuriessa sent us here *pshh* sorry we’re late boys, we got a little.. ughh tangled up.. *pshh* with some Serv tanks up north *pshh* what’s your status? Over *pshh*

Charlie gradually opened his eyes and saw for the first time the carnage of what once was the Rubot Advance Tank Division

As he slowly sank to his knees, he catches a glimpse of the entire battlefield from the hill he was perched in, the combine might of the Army, Cav, MI and NG down south took front and center and brought down hell upon the unsuspecting Servs and obliterated half their forces even before they knew what hit them.

While clearly enjoying the spectacle of the retreating Servs, he then noticed Channing’s Airborne and Tiacha’s Marines put aside their petty rivalries and successfully flank the Rubot Army in a pincer movement, catching the Rubot Vanguard unprepared.

Seal Team 6 led by Julian Mizu, the other eUS militias and Allied EDEN troops sent berserkers one after the other against the stacked defenders of the capital and successfully took it.

He then silently mused, fighting the unconsciousness slowly gripping him, a lot of lives were lost in this battle but still, it was a glorious day not only for the Training Corps but for the entire eUS Military and its Militias as well, one that will not be forgotten for years to come.

Grabbing the transponder, he finally responded to Lt. Alice *pshh* I’m the only survivor, *pshh* ready for pick-up... *pshh*

٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶ YES, We at the Military ARE EPIC, are you EPIC too? ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶

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The Story Continues To FER Series: Part 1