The battle for South America[EDITED eday 1745]

Day 1,743, 23:32 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by eDarkAngel

This article will be short as well, my reputation is suffering a lot lately, but we all have to make sacrifices in the name liberty : D

Today is the battle for South America, EDEN has concentrated all forces on expelling Bulgaria from South America so it can reinstate the Argentinian empire over the continent.

However this battle is not only for the smaller countries in South America who have been oppressed for months but also for Bulgaria. Be it as the war with Greece is of our own fault, if Bulgaria is expelled from South America it will not be able to withstand the war with both Turkey and Greece and will be deleted from the map.

This will allow EDEN to turn around and start helping Croatia to build a new empire in South East Asia and focus on other fronts as well.

So today the fate not only of Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Bolivia but also Bulgaria and likely other countries is being decided.

Allies and friends we need your help today to turn back the South American empire and force it to the negotiating table, they do not see as reasonable any negotiations about letting any country have a congress even as long as they're winning against Bulgaria.


After winning the battle for South AMerica, Plato put up a promotion and all the stacks of candy bars started flying...guess where. This is the biggest battle in eRep history by far and it is fought for the freedom fo "a bunch of small countries". I find it ironic that the self-professed white knights are fighting for the imperialists, let's show them that human nature is stronger then any material "needs", be they real or virtual!

So fight for freedom, fight for the right to self-determination, fight for Bulgaria today.

1. Set your MU orders to this battle:

2. Fight now and leave the working in your companies for later in the day.

EDEN always has hypocritically stated that they're the defenders of the small against the imperialist nations of ONE, well they're fighting tooth and nail to restore the Argentinian empire, let's show them what it really means to fight for the freedom of friends, we're expecting you.

be different be yourself, be free!