The Balance of Power

Day 1,076, 18:21 Published in New Zealand USA by Necros Xiaoban

Dear Sweet New Zealand,

I have been keeping a close eye on the media and am a bit dismayed to see the level of misinformation routinely accepted as fact by the public. I must admit, as a member of the former Provisional Government, and as a sitting Congressman, part of the blame rests with me and so I hope to offer my own perspective on the situation that faces New Zealand.

For starters, lets establish who the main focuses of power are.

There's the New New Zealand Party, or NNZP, largely made up of a coalition of former Mexicans, Slovenes and Serbs, and together they represent about half of Congress. However, its highly important to note that congressmen from this party vote as a bloc, and are heavily influenced by the views of their leader, kurojca.

There are also the New Zealand Union Party, the Peace 'n' Prosperity Party, the Kiwi Social Democrats and the Kiwi People's Party. Initially they generally cooperated to counter the influence of the NNZP, though they are certainly not single-minded. Many, but not all, of their members come from EDEN nations, though this is often attributed to the fact that they are by and large native English speaking peoples which coincidentally have a high incidence of membership in EDEN.

Immediately prior to the close of Congressional elections it was apparent that neither of these sides would gain sufficient advantage, and some sort of agreement would have to be reached to share power. Many of those led by the NZUP attempted to draw the NNZP onto the eNZ forums and set up a system of Congressional debate, though this has largely failed. Why that is is the key to how our government now operates.

You see, kurojca controls the NNZP. The NNZP ,with few exceptions, will not debate you on matters of foreign policy, taxes, the military, etc because they neither need nor want to. With kurojca directing things, matters of debate are handled solely by kurojca.

Kurojca, via the NNZP does not control enough voters to push through legislation unilaterally, however by the same token, everyone else must have his support to accomplish anything. It is wholly futile to attempt to work out any agreement on policy without him.

Thus is has come about that the work gets done by a few members of the NZUP-led coalition working directly with kurojca to find compromise. While some would consider it imperfect is has so far led to us placing control of the treasury in the hands of a RL kiwi, and the implementation of a unified tax policy.

Even now, we're working together to identify and support a single candidate for the office of President. Are there difficulties? Certainly. It would be surprising to not have issues arise between two peoples who, aside from obvious problems with language barriers, come from very different cultures.

However, that does not mean we are entrenched deeply behind our political walls. I've personally found many of the members of the NNZP to be very friendly, and have enjoyed long hours of debate regarding our nation's economy with several of them.

Whether you support the NNZP, the NZUP, the KSD, or any of the other factions operating domestically, its important to bear in mind that we are all people, we are all humans, and we're all here to have fun. Together we can accomplish much, divided we gain nothing.

Necros Xiaoban