The Average eRepublikan – Part 1: Appearance

Day 1,331, 12:44 Published in USA USA by Chutley

The Average eRepublikan – Part 1: Appearance

Final total of respondents: 288 (note: this includes entries that were later disqualified)


1. Initial survey
2. Survey background

This issue: Survey results Part 1: Appearance

Next: Survey results Part 2: Gender, Relationships, Sex, and Porn!



1. Only one person was overly specific, writing 20 ¼. I admire your need for exactness.

2. Only one person felt that age equals the year you were born.

3. Another person wrote “900.” This individual also stands 28,000 inches and has done every drug mentioned, in addition to doing NONE of the above. Ladies and gents, we have a faker. That person’s results were thrown out.

4. Three people felt too old to answer the question, writing:

“I’m over 18, let’s leave it at that”



These respondents were not included in the average, but I think it’s safe to say that the results would not have been altered too much given the large amount of entries.


The average age of eRepublik players is…

23 years old

Ah yes, 23. Old enough to be a grandmother.

Have any of you won 14 gold medals yet?


Assuming this answer was honest, the oldest eRepublik player is…

76 years old

Rest assured that, no matter how much you hate yourself, you are not the biggest a-hole at your age.

Counting this player, 6 users are 50 years old or more. Nine additional players are in their 40s.


Seven people answered with the age of 14. No one under. Is that the minimum to sign up?



1. Boy oh boy do non-Americans hate our measuring system. If I had a gold for every complaint about it, well, I’d have approximately 40 gold. Here are some of my favorite responses:

I have no idea

F*ck that

Fu I don’t know inches sh*t

Enough with insane inches sh*t

And my personal favorite:

Don’t really know 😃, pretty tall.


The average eRepublik player is…

5’10” (178 cm)

Almost perfectly in-line with the world’s average. This is a good sign that other answers will be at least close to truthful.


Three people answered…

7’1” (216 cm)

I sort of find that hard to believe, but it’s hard to throw out, especially since there is some aberration on the other end as well. The next tallest response was:

6’9” (206 cm)

I find this a little more believable, but I’ll leave it up to you to decide which is the real answer.


Again, we have a pretty extreme response. The shortest answer is:

4’ (122 cm)

This is damn short, even for a little person; however, I’m not as inclined to throw this answer out because, well, it happens.

The next shortest answer is:

4’7” (140 cm)

Very believable given the amount of respondents who were 15 years old or younger.




1. Plenty of xenophobic responses to this one too. Yielded some great answers though. Here’s a sampling:

Wtf is pound

Nunya (unsurprisingly from a female)

230/It’s all muscle!

And I loved this answer:

Underweight/too lazy to weigh self

That is pretty damn lazy. I’m guessing he spends a lot of time at his computer. Wait a sec, lemme check his answer:

Crap I don’t know

We have a winner.


Note: I threw two results out: 675 and 500 lbs. Just too outside the norm to count, imho.

The average eRepublik user is…

168 lbs (76.2 kg)

Sounds about right, doesn’t it?


Assuming the 675 and 500 lb responses were faked, the fattest user is…

353 lbs (160 kgs)

Only four other respondents weighed 300 lbs or more. Come on fellas, do some jogging!


60 lbs (27.2 kgs)

Let’s hope that growth spurt comes soon.

Fat? and Strong?

Yeah… I’m not too sure about these results.

Only 15% of you are fat? That’s well below the average range. And 57% are strong?

So basically most people on eRepublik are in shape? Call me a skeptic, but I sincerely doubt that.

How many days per week do you exercise?

On the other hand…

Personally, I consider working out at least 3 days per week a pretty healthy regime. Guess how many of us meet that requirement:

57% of eRepublik users work out at least 3 times per week.

In case you don’t have a very good short-term memory, that’s the same exact percentage of people who described themselves as strong.

Very interesting…


So, in terms of appearance, both subjective and objective, the average eRepublikan is:

A strong 23 year old straight male who stands 5'10 weighs 168 lbs, and is not fat, partly due to the fact that he works out at least 3 times per week..

That’s it for this issue. Next up is gender, relationships, sex, and porn. No promises on publication date.

Stay tuned.
