The Australian Communist Party

Day 969, 22:34 Published in Australia Ireland by Comrade Bender

Official Broadcast from the Australian Communist Party

Greetings Comrades and eAustralians. I would firstly like congratulate our new chairman, Dean Kong. We all know he will do a fantastic job leading our party in any future endeavors.

The Australian Communist Party is the oldest left winged party in eAustralia. The ACP has been through hell and back, Its still standing strong representing the beliefs of its party members and eAustralia as a whole. The Australian Communist Party is here to stay, we welcome everyone to join our party. We want you to speak out have a say, tell us your ideas, we welcome all ideas with a open and friendly mind.
So lets get into a little more detail about this great party.

The Australian Communist Manifesto

Our basic policies can be broken down into three main sectors: Economic, Military, and what could be considered as Societal. All our members affirm the tenants of the Communist Manifesto, however, we all have slightly different interpretations of these issues. Hence why these mentioned statements of faith are only loose binds that tie us together and not some dictatorial imposition that must be born with great labor. This is not to say that they can be broken, just merely bent to suit each occasion, leaving us flexible to never have our backs broken.
Perhaps, it is also another valid reason that we have never been destroyed as many of the other leftist parties have. Certainly, we have been hurt, repressed, and been otherwise maltreated, but as one man said, "If the end of the world came, two things would survive; Cockroaches and Communism!".">

Under Economy, we find the following statements:">The ACP support an economy in which the majority of production takes place in state-owned companies that exist to serve the national interest.">The ACP believes that extreme scrutiny of anybody with power is necessary, to protect state assets from corruption.">The ACP believes that the government should look beyond the wishes of the big corporations; turning to those who are losing wellness, who cannot afford to train, work AND eat, and to those disempowered at the hands of the powerful, no matter what their intentions may be.">The ACP does NOT support equal wages for all, payment should be needs based; with the distribution of goods being considered as currency.

We struggle for the Defence of eAustralia:">The ACP support a strong, well organised Defence Force, ALWAYS separate from the party.">The ACP maintain a political milita, DISTINCT from the non-politicised Australian Defence Force.">The ACP believes in strong and good relations with our Indonesian neighbours.">The ACP supports a democratic military structure.

Society is the development of how we treat each other:">The ACP believe in democracy, equality, and liberty.">The ACP support public services, like medicare and housing.">The ACP encourages political debate in all forms, and rejects censorship.

Bottom line, before you jump to conclusions about the ACP, read what we believe in and ask yourself whether we have eAustralia's best interests at heart. If you believe we do, we want you on board. Join the ACP and see for yourself the difference. And above all, Commiemaxxxxxxxxxxx!

Proud Member of the ACP