The Art of the Coup

Day 262, 08:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Tim09
"The Art of the Coup"

Recently, we have seen it more and more. Countries under their own sovereign rule being taken over by groups or countries that have been unable to find such success in their own hometowns. Groups of people stripped of their Nationalities simply because of a larger country's superior size (and unwillingness to pay for a war).


Coups happen for different reasons. In the first couple of coup attempts, it was due to the massive size of the aggressive parties. Indonesia's coup attempts in South Africa (which were successful at the elections but unsuccessful in their ultimate goals), to Pakistan's coup in China, neither country wanted to pay the massive amount of Gold that would have been necessary to take those countries. It would have been both unproductive and expensive to the national treasury, to either country.*

It has been debated whether or not the United Kingdom's merge with Belgium was a coup or a merge, which you can decide for yourself. There was no money transferred outside of the Treasury, and the Belgians have largely been safer and more secure in the UK than they would have been keeping their own borders. When the time comes, and the Belgium population grows enough to support itself on a large scale, it has been said that the UK will simply give Belgium it's sovereignity back.

Other coups have both been attempted and been successful. Turkey successfully took over Ukraine, and emptied it's treasury (which at the time was about 700 Gold), back in March. There was a German colonization in Argentina and Brazil, and the South American countries have been targets for some time (along with Japan, and other smaller nations).

*Indonesia later paid the Gold to invade due to Presidents who would not follow Indonesia's orders to attack them. It was said to be around 2400 Gold.

So let's identify what people attempting coups will look for in choosing targets, and why.

Vote Count: Any country with less than 100 votes for any one candidate is a potential target for a coup.

Groups of people from larger countries such as Romania (where the current Irish leaders hail from), Sweden, or Indonesia, are capable of mobilizing large amounts of citizens, should they choose to. Basic principle says that if you live in a country with more than two thousand people in it, becoming a major player in politics is tough. It's generally easier to move to a medium to small country and begin there. Then, you find support, and off you go. If the move is financed by the Government (which the Government will almost always deny), you can bet you'll be receiving 40 Gold to start your own party.

For example, there was a Hungarian Party in South Africa for quite some time. They used their resources and South African labor to supply Hungary with hospitals - even while South Africa was being decimated by war.

Then you can look at the Ukrainian takeover by Turkey, which needed all of an estimated 25 votes.

Single Party Systems: Countries with Single Party Systems (where the majority of the people vote for one party) are more easily swayed than countries with strong political races.

Any time you have a country run by one group of people for any length of time, you put yourself at risk. You may find that while they do what you ask, as their leadership, they do not always agree with it. These people are easily swayed during General Elections listening to the new candidate talk about reform and opportunity. They may not always mean it, and probably dont care about the people that live in that country, but it will serve to get them elected.

Short Lived Presidency: Any time a candidate immediately goes inactive after winning the Presidency, it's time to start watching the national treasury like a hawk.

If they do not try to implement things, make announcements, or generally stay active, odds are they are riding out the wave and waiting until they can move back to wherever it is they came from. Odds are, they'll be taking your money with them too.

High Treasury Levels/Stable Company to Worker Ratio: Any time you have a country that has a decent bit of Gold saved, and has a decent number of employable people, you become a target.

People will look at your economy and treasury and start to dream about what they can do with it for themselves or their own country. This is probably a number two indicator on target, since it correlates directly with the amount of personnel you'd need to pull of the coup.

Now that we've seen those four things, let's look at what we can do to stop it.

Never keep all your gold in your own national treasury: Your national treasury is public record. Letting others see the actual amount is like window shopping at a Benz plant.

Utilizing a national bank system as a method to store and transfer funds (not to mention you can donate which makes the transaction traceable for the Bank to any other person) is smarter than leaving it in your treasury. Yes, you have to have a reliable bank manager. Yes they need to sign a contract. No, when the new President takes over in a coup, you aren't immediately required to turn it over. Unless you have a Constitution which has been ratified by your Congress in a referendum in your President's newspaper, and then posted in the forums section for admin to sign, then you arent required to give the incoming President anything. Not SO's, not programs or departments, not armies, not treasury.

Note: It is also smart to keep excess local currency in the national bank- but not too much, as you don't want it to affect the value of the money.

Know the ten day rule: People who move from country to country within ten days of the elections cannot vote in those elections. It does not mean they restrict voting from new accounts. Those accounts who are original to the country they are trying to vote in are free and clear to do so.

This is where the rule gets a little grey. Why restrict access at all? If they are going to restrict access to those people moving around, then they should do so to new accounts aswell. But hey, what do I know? I didn't code it.

Always know the five parties that will be in the elections: In any case, from a political standpoint it's already smart to know your opponent. But if there's a party who doesnt talk at all, is new to your country, and will be on the general ballot, I can't say that I wouldn't be researching where they've been (which you can do by looking at which money accounts they can access in their donations button).

Any organized government has an intelligence department. Those intelligence departments should be looking into political parties, if for no other reason to make sure they're legit. I am not saying that it is not right to elect a foreign President, as I don't believe that should hinder you. BUT, if you don't have that countries best interests in mind (hence the word coup), then you shouldn't be running.

Always keep tabs on what contracts your Government has signe😛 Keep track, somewhere, of any financial or ally based contract you have signed for your country (or someone else has signed). Otherwise, someone might trick you into having to give away all your gold.

Overall Analysis

We'll all have to wait and see what happens in Ireland and Mexico. Mexico's war proposal didnt pass the first time around, so Alfonso has decided to keep proposing it whenever he can. I wouldn't be surprised to see Spain request a trial for the gold Mexico would owe them for violating the NAP they signed. MVerslayer has already taken major heat and the threat of impeachment over this, so he may just try to cut his losses if Mexico can't unite (which wasn't one of their desires anyhow).

Ireland on the other hand is up in the air. It seems that even though they advertised that they wanted to work with the Irish, the administration has abandoned all hope of any co-operation, and has resulted in funding their own companies through the treasury in an attempt to become a worldwide weapons supplier. They've dropped import taxes (rumored, not confirmed), and are rumored to be offering more money for workers than the others, since they are government funded.

They have also said that they will not negotiate with the old administration (which the Irish were seen drinking a toast about later on) until they receive the Gold from the treasury. In my opinion, they'll never seen the money, and their reign will not be two months as Victor is projecting.

Thats it for now.


Useful links:
[a url=]Political Coups on Wiki[/a]

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Written by [a url=]Dishmcds[/a]
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