The Art of Censorship

Day 618, 01:56 Published in Israel USA by Aeroner

I was recently scrolling through past articles, when I found an article by Elizabeth Jones. It was titled Dear Mr President. Basically, it was calling out Harrison Richardson to resign.

Harrison's response sickened me:

Harrison Richardson 3 days ago

"I see your call for my resignation.

I deny it.

I call for your death and/or removal from the USA"

Harrison Richardson 3 days ago

"or e-death. Whichever you prefer"

This is absolutely disgusting. he called for his DEATH! Isn't one of the freedoms of the United States the Freedom of Speech? How can Harrison deny Elizabeth's right as an american citizen?

I don't want to start anything with the American Government, but this is just not right.

As you can see in the article, Elizabeth exaggerated some of the details to spin the citizens in his favor.But even if he flat out lied, the American Citizens have right to speak their mind and not get ordered form their presidents to die or be forceably removed from the country. It can't even be considered as slander, because Harrison is a publicly known figure, and any lie that you say about a public official isn't considered slander as far as I know.

Please, if you have an ounce of decency, you'll realize that what Harrison said is wrong.This is not calling for his impeachement or resignation, but he has to know that to be a competent leader, you need to be willing to put up with all kinds of crap. From your own people or from others.

I am sorry if I offended anyone, but I thought it had to be said.