The ANP is under imminent threat! Act NOW

Day 936, 00:07 Published in Australia Australia by infin

The ANP's membership has risen from 270 to 292 over recent times. We know that the Indonesian PTO'ers who want to take control of the Australian political system via illegitimate means have control of in excess of 300 legitimate Indo based Australian citizen voters. This is known from the Sandygeee vote count against Widds in the CP election.

The Indo insurgency's purpose, as publicised in the Indo media, is to organise a series of Congress members that shall be backed by Indo based voters. They will need to get endorsed candidates into all top 5 parties in order to try and elected 21 Congress members. With 300 active voters 21 Congress members is not out of the question.

I repeat: many of these Indo voters are legitimate characters. I have spoken to many of them in the #ANP IRC. They are quite open about their PTO efforts. They plan to take control of Australia via insidious unfair means. With a brute force of numbers they plan to take control of Australia politicially since militarily they have become weak. The once mighty Indonesia who feared no one cowers in fear of Australia. They know any military incursion into Australia would be swiftly repelled and they would be mercilessly punished.

So now with their vast superiority of low skilled, poor citizens they are flooding eAustralia with voting characters to usurp the legitimate political process.

I love the ANP. I have been in this party since day 1. My main reasons for playing eRep are to serve my country and to serve the ANP. I am a 6 time senator for the ANP. I have been the ANP Party President. I have campaigned for the Country President candidate many times. I brokered the ANP/AMP agreement which saw Widds elected with ANP votes. I admit it and I did it for both interests of Australia and the ANP.

Never have I seen such a dangerous situation as what happened this month for CP. If those Indo based votes are directed in any sort of organised fashion towards the Senate we will be facing a serious threat of potentially double their current achievement of 6-8 PTOers. We could have 12-16 PTO'ers.

I have come to accept that within the confines of this game certain extreme measures are required to be taken to preserve our own enjoyment of the game. Primarily we play this game to fight for our country. We don't play this game to be enslaved to an Indo insurgency. Now I have fought hard to ensure the government remains outside of politics. It should not control democractic elections, but the parties at the same time must be working to ensure Australia remains free and in patriotic hands. I do not want an Indo controlled government!

As to the ANP Party Presidency, I support Kyle Thornton. He is stable, he is disciplined, he is loyal. He protects the ANP's ideals at every step of the way. He has been here for us. I will support him and work for him. As to Corey Blake, well he has returned to Australia after a brief hiatus. He said he was never returning to Australia, but instead he is back after about 2 months so I don't know what happened there, but in the meantime our senate and campaign teams have been working away. Corey, I know you would have lost quite convincingly, I hope your are not that delusional that you could think you will beat Kyle who has been working for the party nonstop for over 4 months.

We need stable leadership in the ANP for the sake of our own party and for the sake of eAustralia. And we need to be able to use all of our votes to beat Indo in this GAME. It is a GAME and we need to beat them at the GAME.

This is my little rant. I am sorry I couldn't get onto Corey's show and say my two bob's worth. But he is dead wrong. I am as much a fan of democracy as anyone but this stuff is a serious real threat. And I am not letting a pack of dirty Indos from getting their hands on the party I love.

ANP member