The Annihilation of Slovakia

Day 717, 21:13 Published in United Kingdom USA by Alex Lawrence
By Alex Lawrence

In an interesting move by Hungary, the entire country of Slovakia was wiped out today in a blitz on all four of their regions. This has distressed the EDEN camp, being deprived of one of the two countries needed to conduct their wargames. The move has been justified by Hungary in a nationalist vein of "Slovakia used to be ours anyway," but beyond that it is a great morale victory for PEACE forces. While EDEN tried to disrupt PEACE wargames with Poland's invasion into Latvia and Lithuania, PEACE has struck back, and with much more effectiveness. Minimal efforts have been undertaken to reclaim Slovakian regions, but Hungary is holding fast at print time. This again shows PEACE's organizational skills are superior to EDEN's.

Russia has also regained a foothold in North America, attempting to keep American soldiers at home while the rest of PEACE deals with the European theatre. The UNL has lost another region to EDEN mobile troops with the "liberation" of Brussels, and the rest of PEACE sends its condolences to the true Belgians who peacefully merged with the Netherlands.

In better news, North Korea was successfully PTOd, but it seems Congress is fighting to the last as shown by the most recent proposal to declare war on Iran. This will at least somewhat stymy further North Korean support for EDEN, and eliminate North Korea as a blocking actor against PEACE forces in Asia.

On the domestic front, congratulations to Mr Woldy for winning another term in office, and to AltmerVampire for a good run. I'll be looking forward to seeing what new policies Woldy implements this time around.

Thanks for reading.