The American Poll Service (APS)

Day 351, 16:13 Published in USA USA by Erik Victor

The APS is the new gold standard for polling services. We'll be issuing questions to random citizens almost daily, collecting and analyzing the results from those questions, and passing on our analysis to you.

The specialty poll of the month will be:

>Wage Satisfaction: Are you satisfied or not satisfied with current wage you are earning?

Tracking Polls (Presidential polls will reset after elections)

>Congressional Approval Rating: Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Congress is handling its job?
>Congressional Party Choice: Which top five party will you most likely support in the monthly Congressional elections?
>Presidential Approval Rating: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Benn Dover* is handling his job as president?
>Presidential Race Poll
>Consumer Confidence: Do you have a positive or negative view of the economy?
>Personal Finance: Are you worried or not worried about the state of your personal finances?

*APS has projected Libertarian candidate Benn Dover to be the winner of the Nov. 5, 2008 presidential election for a one month term.