The American Dream

Day 668, 22:18 Published in USA USA by Korbin King

She came to me in a dream. Wearing a red sweater (not much else) and begging me on her knees to come back to America. Who was I to say "no"? She told me that she needed work in a factory (I'll figure that part out later). I woke up to find myself in a conquered country. Apparently, Thailand has been added to the list of the fallen. The U.S. has clearly seen it's share of violence as well. So I went to work in a Gift company.

Finally, I managed to save enough cash for a few sandwiches and a moving ticket. I caught the first flight to Cali in search of the blonde from my dream. I haven't found her yet, but I applied for a job in a factory and I start work tomorrow. If you see her around, please send me a PM.

- Korbin