The alliance "manipulation"[EDIT]

Day 1,742, 13:02 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by eDarkAngel

The new alliance competition has begun, however there is some very strange interim results as we can see from the new and especially ugly button that was added on the left.

EDEN is leading and second is FOE, while 4FUN is way behind. The simple question is since the diference between 4FUN damage and EDEN damage was of upwards of 20-30% in the last days in the e-gov site, where does the huge discrepancy come from. Allowing for that the statistic of the e-gov site may not be 100% accurate it still is imposible to be off by that much, currently EDEN has 60%+ more damage then 4FUN, while according to the data from e-gov they had -20% (and more) less before today.

So I looked at the rules of the competition again to figure out where the catch is and found it:

"Damage counting

The damage will be counted based on the country. During the whole week, all the damage hit for a country’s side, by both allies and local citizens, will count for the alliance the country is in. For example, in a battle of eRomania – eHungary the damage dealt by both eRomania and it’s allies on Romania’s side will count for the alliance eRomania is in. Same goes for eHungary."

What they failed to mention, intentionally or not is that it will only count as "allies" to those countries in the "same alliance" as stated by the presidents of the countries in question, so when Serbia fights for Bulgaria, with which it has an MPP and by the mechanics of the game both countries are considered allies, though not part of a formal out of game alliance (out of game because there are no game mechanics other then MPP for being allies in-game), it's damage does not count towards the competition.

This is of course not apparent at all from the text and I would go further and say that the text is intentionally deceiving to create the impression that it is not so, but is the only way to explain the curent discrepancy in the damage dealt by all "alliances" in the competition.

That raises a more important question, why was this hidden and we were deceived. Simple answer is to influence the battles in the game and change the status quo, congrats Romper you finally got the admins doing your bidding.

Simply put if Poland and Serbia and Hungary fight for Bulgaria they do not get damage towards the competition so they would be "stimulated" to fight in their own battles, same goes for Bulgaria and CoT and any other country. Not surprisingly all of EDEN stuck together as if on command and thus it stands to benefit from this competition or at least that is the hope.

It is basically either let EDEN win the competition and place it's logo on the game page and try to "launder" it's tarnished reputation this way or let EDEN win it's battles with ease. Well all of EDEN is fighting Bulgaria and CoT exclusively right now so that would not be hard if 4FUN fought for the competition.

Of course if everyone was aware of this, then there would have been one solitary alliance against EDEN and then the result would have been exactly the opposite, hence the need for the deception.

It is sad when the admins use such methods to try to directly influence the result of battles and wars and I sincerely hope that the players in the game will not allow this to happen and will continue to fight as before and may the more worthy win.

To me the scoring must be change that the damage done by a country in any battle of a country with which it has an MPP with be counted towards the damage done by the alliance the said country is a member of for the duration of the competition. Everything else is a direct attempt of the admins to change the status quo in the game unparalleled to this point.

We all know EDEN is a cash cow to the admins and they will do anything to prop up the rotten alliance, however this is going way too far as a means to prop it up.


The admins have answered the ticket and though there are still some discrepancies this is how the counting happens:

If a player fights through an MPP no matter to what country the MPP is, the damage he does is added to the damage done by the "temporary alliance" the country participating in the battle belongs to.

For example if a Serbian player fights through MPP for Bulgaria against Argentina his damage gets counted for the alliance of which Bulgaria is a part of.