The Ajay Survivors Support Network

Day 936, 06:59 Published in Ireland Croatia by Arrlo

Dear friends,

I often read the eIrish media just to keep track of how things are going across the Sea, and to read some of the more quality reporting of your journalists. I must say, I have noticed a marked difference in your media of late; one insufferable infestation:

A wild Welshman

Has been replaced by another:


Having endured months of what can only be described as similar circumstances, I feel your pain. I really do. So eIreland, it is with grim determination to overcome the horrors of this pestilence that I announce the foundation of this support network. Drawing together citizens from the many nations who have suffered at the hands of this erepublik bore, I’m confident that we can help you eIrish to pull through this difficult time. Symptoms of this problem include:

- A cringeworthy attempt to pass for the nationality of the chosen country, or an outlandish claim of that country’s heritage, which invariably reveals a total tin ear for that country’s sensibilities. In our case, it was an excruciating attempt at a British accent-- one which, according to reliable sources made Dick van Dyke wince. This is often coupled with a populist play to what is perceived as this country’s prejudices. During the eUK pandemic, the USA were the bad guys; now that the infection has spread to eIreland it’s we Brits who must be exterminated.

- A wanton disregard for the current political establishment. Readers, never forget that this guy always knows best. The people who have loyally steered your country through difficult past events are feckless tyrants, while this joker, who has travelled the world and been summarily rejected at every turn, is the man to lead you to glory. Riiiight.

- Offensive political rhetoric. If you read this deluded individual’s ramblings, you’ll notice an uncomfortable amount of bigotry, usually just shy of bannable, overt racism. But you can always sniff the stench of it

If you agree that Ireland might have come down with a case of Ajayitis, please feel free to ask for help from this support group. Experts are always ready to help you overcome this problem.

Hi Eddie.

Your friend,