The aircraft series chapter 4

Day 3,366, 10:54 Published in India India by Visor Of Blades

In the last article I had explained the importance of the aircraft division in terms of how we can directly learn from seniors.

Now I will discuss the third and last reason I had mentione😛

"The third reason I see is more psychological, and it will affect people differently based on how they think. As you've likely noticed, we have separate leader-boards for the aircraft division, complete with it's own decorations and medals. Now, since both experienced and inexperienced alike will hit about as much, depending on airman raking, the ones less involved in fighting on land now have a nearly equal chance of gaining these decorations and medals. This would get them more involved, as they now see a more level playing field."

This will be much harder to explain. But we have new leaderboards, right? So, more medals. So more people will direct themselves to participate in air battles. More warriors, more hits.
More hits, more damage.
More damage, more influence.
More influence, more likely it will be higher than 50%.
More 50%+ time, more dp.
More dp, more wins.
More wins, more campaign points.
More campaign points, closer we are to winning.

But then, there is one question. Are medals enough motivation?
Yes, they are.
But how?
Because they look good on the profile.(yes, it's that simple)
But those with better ranks will have higher damage influence, right?
Yes, but that doesn't mean we can't hit more.
So can they.
At lower ranks, we will rank up faster.
Eventually, we will be their rank, and then we can snatch their medals.

Following this way of thinking, we not only hit hard and fast, we rank up good, making us capable pilots when eIndia needs us next time.

Because competition is good.