The ads...

Day 1,121, 19:20 Published in USA USA by Jacksondr5

I find that they're all about SEES and USWP.

SEES- They're telling me to vote crommy and greek at the same time, literally, I can't find an ad screen that doesnt have an ad for both candidates.

USWP- This one's about the "lies" USWP told about knowing about crommy running in SEES


My tiger friend has good advice. I think we are going too far by PTOing each other. If anything, DO NOT DO THIS ON CONGRESSIONAL ELECTIONS OR WE WILL LET SO MANY DAMN HUNS IN!

Roleplaying is very fun, but can't go too far. This game needs roleplaying, but be careful.

Be careful, its gonna be Christmas during the elections and we can't have anything bad going on.
