The Academy: A VP Candidates Vision

Day 955, 10:54 Published in Ireland Ireland by Edana Savage

It's time for me to be more serious in this article. Presidential elections are coming up and I would like to clarify the Academy as mentioned in Conor's SuperManifesto.

The Academy

This idea came about from the Boot Camps that were attempted a few months ago, and yes, some of the ideas used in the Labour Communes. I am also drawing off of some RL expertise. My job in RL is to help people to become independent in their community. That is our goal with New Citizens (NC), to assist them in becoming independent, productive citizens.

The Academy is intended to be the next step in a NC's education.

Admission Requirements

-They must show a mastery of basic eRep Mechanics.

-They must show initiative in connecting with the community with a minimum of three referals from upstanding eIrish citizens.

-They must work for a state run company until their studies are completed.

-They must maintain a wellness/happiness at acceptable levels.

The Academy will focus on five major areas:

-Public Policy
-Foreign Affairs

The Citizen may select a Major or they can focus on General Studies. Depending on what major they choose will determine the type of incentive they receive at the end of their studies. They will not receive any incentive until they have completed their studies with a passing grade. Grades will be determined by three methods:

-Adherence to the Academy requirements

-Participation in the Community

-Passing grade on Exams

Incentives can range from awards of iep to weapons. Job placement services will also be provided.

Timeline for Implementation

This is the vision of the Academy as it stands now. In the next term, it will be the goal of the Administration set up the necessary supports needed to make the Academy work. A pilot program target date will be set for Day 970. The pilot will select 10 citizens who qualify from a pool of applicants to test out the program and to make adjustments based on their experiences. Once feedback has been received and necessary adjustment have been made a full rollout is recommended by Day 985.

Resources required for operation

Monetary resources

Wages for employing students
Incentives set aside for Academy completion
Advertising dollars to attract students, potential employers, and mentors/instructors.

People resources

Instructors for areas of study
Potential employers willing to hire graduates.
IRC moderators
Writer for the Newspaper
Marketing Coordinator
Admissions Coordinator

Other resources

Forum access
IRC room
University Org

I'm sure I'm missing a few things, but this is how I envision the program at this point in time. As always input is welcome. I'm not sure if I alleviated any concerns per se. I probably inspired more questions, but hopefully this will give you a better idea of what the Academy is and what it hopes to acheive.

"Next in importance to freedom and justice is popular education, without which neither freedom nor justice can be permanently maintained."
James A. Garfield (1831 - 1881), July 12, 1880

Edana Savage
Techta Dala for Cork and Kerry(Dublin for now)
CoMinister of New Citizens