The 5th. Here I Stand.

Day 623, 18:24 Published in Ireland Ireland by Lord Rhindon

Citizens of eIreland,

I am hereby announcing that I will be serving as Patton's running mate in the upcoming August 5th Presidential Elections.

As many of you will be aware, I declined Severin's offer of continuing his Presidential candidacy this term. Country before career. Every time. I feel eIreland deserves an administration headed up by older and better known citizens, and this is what they will receive. And, as Vice President I will be serving under just that...

A veteran citizen of eRepublik (he's been here since Day 20!), and one of the country's best respected men: Patton.

In this administration I will endeavor to draw from my every area of expertise to best serve our Fair Isle to the FULLEST extent possible.

I will support my leader actively on a day-to-day, hour-to-hour basis. Nothing less.
I will encourage the inclusion of every talent we have in the country. Regardless of party.
I will stand for the plan.
I will stand for our sovereignty.
I will stand for our independence.
I will stand for every one of our people. Every man and woman of Ireland. Giving you freedom. Giving you security. Giving you opportunity.

This month's election has been nothing short of chaotic, let me say that for certain. But in the midst of the ruckus will eventually emerge order, organization, and a future in our great nation worth e-living for. This is what I promise, and this is what I swear we shall deliver. No exception.

In the light of this,

I only encourage just one thing from you.

August 5th. Vote Patton. Vote for the Future.

Lord Rhindon