The 3.141592653589793238462643383 Party Endorses...

Day 1,004, 20:18 Published in USA USA by Charmader95
3.141592653589793238462643383 was The Brolliance Party until I took it over last PP election and changed its name. I'm almost done spending all of its money on ads, and I'm about to quit the party and got back to the ADTP to run for congress. However, before I resign as party PP, I would like to offer the party's endorsement to...

Anyone who wants it!!!!!!!

I know this might mean that more than 1 candidate per state ends up with the endorsment, but that just means they are both good candidates.

Click on the endorsement banner here for the link, which you can then put into your platform:

I would appreciate it if you linked the image back to this article.

Thanks, and good luck to all candidates!