The 15th, Make the Right CHOICE

Day 1,691, 17:10 Published in Canada South Africa by Dr. James McCrimmon


The word stands for Egalitarian Party of Independent Canadians. Created as the result of a merger, the party’s goal was to have no goal, but only to represent the wishes of its players, to be the voice of the independents.

Over the last few months, the party has been inflicted with a plague. The plague where the sheer size of itself was the only reason for its continued existence, with no voice, and too few quality candidates for congress compared to the voters. The inactive congressmen, the button pushers, the players who only wanted the shiny medal on their profile infected our congress.

(what EPIC congressmen used to be like)

Last month we fell for a trap. A player who promised us that he would work tirelessly to rid us of the bad name that has ruined our reputation as a party. He promised activity. He lied. He abused our trust, only to destroy us further. That player then replaced, wherever possible, the congressmen we originally placed forward with inactive two-clickers or players from other parties. He then gave the party to Canada’s VP, a position usually held by trustworthy individuals. However, this man is a known thief and PTOer. He changed the name of the party to his liking, and rampaged throughout the party’s newsfeed. Yet he controls the party by name only.

(a picture of him a few years ago)

That is enough of that story, before some biased player would eloquently call me “Butthurt”

(what they would say)

What I am here to talk about is not the past, but the future. On the 15th I will be running for PP of the party formerly known as EPIC. If I win, I promise change.

(not my promise)

No longer will candidates who only serve themselves be placed on our congress lists; no longer will inactives be elected. I will only bring forward quality men and women who work for eCanada.

I promise to ensure our beacon of democracy that is the EPIC Primaries will resume, and select the best candidate for the job.

I promise to work without rest in serving democracy, and to try and ensure Canadians get what they ask for and want, no more, no less.

I promise to try and rid Canada of the plague that has been terrorizing and tearing this country apart, piece by piece.

You can trust me, I’m the Doctor.

Vote for Nicholas Boyce on the 15th.