Day 370, 08:37 Published in Sweden Sweden by Trisen
Thats Why its so Important For your Vote.

We in Democrats of New Sweden deliver your Voise for a Stronger Sweden in the future.
so your vote for a congressman in your provins are important.

You should very simply understand that DNS thinks, so here.

* We want a free Denmark and a free Germany.
* We want a change in the Swedish politics, and to break the monopoly FBS have on politics.
* We want to avoid wars thats all about expanding the Swedish empire.
* We want to help other nations, what is occupied and can't get free, with the use of Money, gold and the Swedish military.
* We want more controll over the governmental systems.
* We want to upgrade Sweden, in a way leading to more Media, better economy and more politics.
* We want to inform the citizens, everybody should have knowledge about the nation affairs.
* We want to expand the Swedish views and ideas in the internationel affairs.

Best Regards / Trisen

We belive in You !


and Pm if you have any questions