That Time of the Month

Day 976, 23:58 Published in South Africa South Africa by Al Kazar

It's that time of the month again - Congress Elections!

I am once again standing for election to Congress in North West Province under the banner of the Independent Alternative party and would really appreciate your vote.

I have been a hard working member of Congress for 3 terms and was chosen as Speaker of Congress for this last term after being Deputy Speaker the previous term.

This last term of Congress has had its ups and downs but at the end of the day we achieved what we set out to do, namely looking after the interests of the citizens of eSouth Africa. I would like to do my part once again.

These Congress elections are very important and every vote counts. Please vote for me in North West Province or at least vote for somebody as every vote counts including yours.

When you vote please vote carefully - you don't want somebody that does not have your interests and the interests of your country at heart representing you in Congress, do you?

The Progressive Party South Africa (PPSA) has unfortunately been taken over by people with their own agenda that do not have your or your country's best interest at heart so vote carefully - but please vote!