That's it, I'm back!

Day 1,155, 07:32 Published in Greece Greece by Rockisticus

Sorry I wasn't here for the past two days
So I ow you an explanation (see it below).

So, Today I will talk about the difference from the OW (Old World - real life) and the NW (New World - eRepublik).

- Wars - In the old world, blood, death, hunger etc. exist. People die, and young men who go to war, secrifice their lives to their countries. Some will never come back, some come back, and some come back in coffins. In the New World, people that fight get to atleast 10 health points in a battle, no one almost dies, and everyone can fight. In eRepublik, the wars are truley fun, and not evil.
- Weapons - In the old world, weapons, are the cold machines that are the RL reapers. Decieding who will live and whom will die. These machines are loaded with the power of a million spears, in their one touch, they can take a life. In eRepublik, then can't really hurt, they are only to hurt the enemy's virtual self, and not that same one.

- Country rulers - In the old world, people are corrupted. People take money, and every day don't listen to the rules of the world. In eRepublik, everything is recorded, everything is reported and notifide.
- Money - In the old world, Money spinnes the world around. The rulers will do anything, got their green friends. Everyone is for sale, everyone can be paid for benefits. Everyone, and when I say it I mean everyone, in the right amount, can be baught. In eRepublik, a President, or a congress member can be donated, and do nothing with it.

- Newspaper - In that matter, some of the old world is similar to the New World. In liberal, democratic, countries, in the old world, newspaper has freedom. The newspapers can say what ever they want, as long as it not braking the law. So does in eRepublik. In the game you can write what ever you think of, as long as you don't brake the eRepublik laws.
- Baught Media - In the old world, in non-Capitalist, nor democratic countries, all the media is belong to the Government. In the New World, some do belong to the Government,but not all. Most of all the media of eRepublik is free, and is controled by private societies (As your loyal servant).

Now you can see how different the New World from the Real Life.
But we can surely say, that the New World, is more awesome.

You see, I needed to reestablish my europen citizenship. Because the EuroUnion embassy in the US, haven't found my citizenship, I needed to visit Greece, and there re-establish my citizenship.

So thank you for the understanding.


Ελευθερία ή Θάνατος - Ελλάδα!